How often?


Active Member
Every time I water with ff big bloom a leaf or two turn a little yellow on a part of the edge of the leaves. Should I be using a nutrient if my plant looks better when I am just using water? Right now I am using 1 TBLS per gallon of water with the big bloom every other watering. What do you guys think? Stop the nutes or not? Oh and I am also 3 1/2 weeks into flower and am using ff ocean forest soil. Under a 400 Watt hps.


Well-Known Member
Use less of your nutrient solution and see how she reacts.

Plants grow better with less nutrients than with over fertilizing them.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah you are burning them. Back it off a tad. Each plant/strain can take different ammounts of ferts. Some like 100% ferts like they suggest you use and some can only take 25%-50% of recommended ferts.


Active Member
Ya its probably nute burn but i'm already using a quarter of the recommended dose. I'll try less though. thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
are you sure your not talkin about FF Tiger Bloom. its almost not possible to get nute burn from FF Big the bottle the NPK value is 0.01-0.3-0.7....there is barely any nutes in it. Big Bloom alone will not get you through flowering. its only meant to add micro nutrients.... i can almost guarentee you that your plant is not burning from big bloom. i use 2 TBSP per gallon every watering and have never seen any burn...... Tiger Bloom on the other hand is pretty powerful and can give u nute burn if used too much.