How old are you?

How old are you?

  • Under 21

    Votes: 45 35.2%
  • 21-29

    Votes: 39 30.5%
  • 30-39

    Votes: 24 18.8%
  • 40+

    Votes: 20 15.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Frist time I smoked I was 12. Me and a friend skiped school to go play his playstation. When we got to his house we caught his older brother smoking, I think he was about 16. And he told us that if we kept our moths shut he would give us some free weed. I myself have wanted to try it for a while at that point, but my friend needed some convincing. Long story short, me and him smoke like 3 bowls with his brother out of an old corn cobb pipe. We got so high that we forgot about playstaion and listened to techno music all day. Not because it was good, but just to watch the cool windows media thingy that it dose. Wow...good times.

Oh yeah, I'm 19 now.


Active Member
I was in Jamaica (Ocho Rios) years ago and asked the room service guy to get me some. He got me about 1/2 oz of some good shit for about $40.00. Best shit I had in my life. Makes me want to vacation there again this year and stay high for the whole trip!:hump:
Yell yeah Cannamama! It was the best I've ever smoked as well.


Well-Known Member
I started when I was 16, I didnt get high my few times trying it, kinda weird huh?
I'm now 31 and have smoked everyday(or on the hunt) since I was 17.
When I was 19-20 I was jobless and carefree, also stealing out of cars
to support my weed habbit.For awhile I was really acting like I was hooked on something like cocain..(thats another story)
I couldnt go anywhere without my weedies,I went to FL for 10 days, ran out of weed about 5 days in and all I wanted was to get back home,I cut it short and we left FL early,because of my habbit.
I would lose sleep,my anger levels would rise on a drop of a dime,
I would have stomach pains,stoped eating with my mind racing about
where I can get some.
I guess my weed story is different then others huh

Now I'm older, my mind set is totally different,I can go without for a few days/wks if needed,Im just real fuckin lazy these days.


Well-Known Member
i first smoked out of a pepsi bottle when i was 14. my dad was on a trip with his girlfriend so me, my friend, and my dad's girlfriend's son (all 14) decided to get some weed. my friend already knew a hookup so we bought a dime for 20 bucks (kinda stupid but i was a noob smoker back then.) so we went down to the end of the block to meet this guy and he gave us the dope.

we proceeded down the block back to my house. went intomy room to break up the bud. we were so nervous that someone would come home and see us breakin up weed. i kept asking "would i be able to function normally?" and my friend was like fuck no lol.

after we loaded up the bowl we went out the back door and behind the house on the patio. we had no lighter so we brought a candle and a burning piece of a wooden skewer to light. my friend took the first hit. then my step-bro. and finally me. i cleared the pop bottle and held it. i was thinking "man that wasnt too bad" and never even expected to CHOKE MY LUNGS OUT the second time around.

after about 5 minutes. oh man it HIT me. like a wave of invisible stupidness just passed right thru me. i felt heavy. so i was stumbling around in one spot giggling like a little girl saying "man this is so fucking cool" and shit. i tossed the bottle in the alley.

when we got to the back door. we reminded ourselves that my dad's gf's other son (7 at the time) was in the living room. so we tried our best to look normal. so as we went inside the first thing that happened was that we bursted out in laughter. we stopped in the kitchen forgetting what we came in for. and little chris was on the couch just looking at us, then eventually cracked up with us. after about 10 minutes of intense laughter we went into my room.

we brought some chocolate donuts with us and we were chewing them for like 10 minutes straight. it was a very fun night. i wish i could get that high still. been smoking ever since, i'm 18 now.


Well-Known Member
Vermilion: what a first time eh? ha ha ha. sounds awsome

Me, I took my first hit when i was 14. My friend matt, 16 at the time, had been smoking for about a year when i met him and asked me to come over to hang out one day because he had a suprise. This was also the first time i met his mother, who's name is ((no joke)) Mary-Jane Stone!!!!! ((I now find this all funny as hell)). anywho, after being shown into his room, which was all set up nice and comfy, he tells me he just got a sack of good weed, and knowing i had never smoked before, wanted to usher me in with good weed. I was kinda nervous. I was asking a bunch of questions. "does you mom know??? Will i smell like it? how long will it last? am i gonna trip out or anything?". He was patient with me while he broke it up and packed a pipe. He was a very gentle type of stoner and really did everything to make me comfortable. he said that is how it should (((btw, i really think you inherit some of the smoking traits of the people you first smoke with. ive seen evidence of it time and time again in other people and im no different. I'm always concerned about how comfortable eveyone is when i smoke with freinds. if someone wants something, im usually the one to get it. just considerate, thats all)))

So he broke out a lighter and we kicked back on a sofa next to a window with some janice joplin on the sterio.... and he passed it to me. I took my hit and took in the whole experience. By hit 3... i was in love with the taste and the smoke. And i actually did get high the first time i smoked!!!
When we walked out into the front living room, his mom was in the kitchen and she looked at me all sweetly. "She's high isnt she matt...?" he nodded and she smiled. "i knew it! i made cookies for you guys!!!" She totally knew what he meant to do when i came in the front door, lol. She knew it was my first time too. To this day i love that woman!

So yeah. I really had the ideal welcome into smoking weed. Now that i look back on it, knowing what i know now, it was perfect and i understand all the little things that i didnt get back then.
So that was that, and i hung out with matt for about 9 months, moved and stopped smoking. I dont really know why. i was young and didnt know how to get it maybe. Than, when i was 17, i moved to minnesota where i picked right back up, but quite by accident. I moved into a duplex where me and my boyfriend's neighbor was a dealer. Man did i smoke ALOT of weed living there... damn. And i learned all the ins and outs very well. We even tried to grow our own plants, but we had a cat, and she liked to eat them. very very very sad to see your 2 month old plants get tackled at ripped apart by your own kittie...*tear*
And now I'm here in california where i havent smoked for 5 months becuase prices are so damn high!!!! I plan to move back there ASAP though. Everything is too damn expensive here, not just the weed. Oh and I'm 18 now. Female i might add.


New Member
Hi Cannamama,
So nice to meet you. Being female does hane its advantages!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
I agree Lacy. I am a female about your age, and I don't look like a toker. The only person who knows I smoke now is the one who gave me my first OZ in about 15 years. Never got in trouble with it. My current problem is that I can't grow right now and I need a reputable dealer that won't go telling my business. I like to keep the folks that know I toke to as few folks as possible...
Long term effects - can't really say, but I have asthma and my symptoms have not been a problem since I started again. As a matter of fact, I feel better!:joint:


New Member
I have a plant nibbler too.
My cat smokey!!!
But she's so cute I can't get mad at her. :mrgreen::peace:
Vermilion: what a first time eh? ha ha ha. sounds awsome

Me, I took my first hit when i was 14. My friend matt, 16 at the time, had been smoking for about a year when i met him and asked me to come over to hang out one day because he had a suprise. This was also the first time i met his mother, who's name is ((no joke)) Mary-Jane Stone!!!!! ((I now find this all funny as hell)). anywho, after being shown into his room, which was all set up nice and comfy, he tells me he just got a sack of good weed, and knowing i had never smoked before, wanted to usher me in with good weed. I was kinda nervous. I was asking a bunch of questions. "does you mom know??? Will i smell like it? how long will it last? am i gonna trip out or anything?". He was patient with me while he broke it up and packed a pipe. He was a very gentle type of stoner and really did everything to make me comfortable. he said that is how it should (((btw, i really think you inherit some of the smoking traits of the people you first smoke with. ive seen evidence of it time and time again in other people and im no different. I'm always concerned about how comfortable eveyone is when i smoke with freinds. if someone wants something, im usually the one to get it. just considerate, thats all)))

So he broke out a lighter and we kicked back on a sofa next to a window with some janice joplin on the sterio.... and he passed it to me. I took my hit and took in the whole experience. By hit 3... i was in love with the taste and the smoke. And i actually did get high the first time i smoked!!!
When we walked out into the front living room, his mom was in the kitchen and she looked at me all sweetly. "She's high isnt she matt...?" he nodded and she smiled. "i knew it! i made cookies for you guys!!!" She totally knew what he meant to do when i came in the front door, lol. She knew it was my first time too. To this day i love that woman!

So yeah. I really had the ideal welcome into smoking weed. Now that i look back on it, knowing what i know now, it was perfect and i understand all the little things that i didnt get back then.
So that was that, and i hung out with matt for about 9 months, moved and stopped smoking. I dont really know why. i was young and didnt know how to get it maybe. Than, when i was 17, i moved to minnesota where i picked right back up, but quite by accident. I moved into a duplex where me and my boyfriend's neighbor was a dealer. Man did i smoke ALOT of weed living there... damn. And i learned all the ins and outs very well. We even tried to grow our own plants, but we had a cat, and she liked to eat them. very very very sad to see your 2 month old plants get tackled at ripped apart by your own kittie...*tear*
And now I'm here in california where i havent smoked for 5 months becuase prices are so damn high!!!! I plan to move back there ASAP though. Everything is too damn expensive here, not just the weed. Oh and I'm 18 now. Female i might add.


Well-Known Member
24, been smokin since 12....started on brick weed....then I learned what real weed was....and its been a wrap ever since.


Well-Known Member
started freshman year in highschool.... didnt get real heavy into it until sometime during senior year now sophomore in college so 6 years?....i got ripped my first and my friend ate apples and then once all the juice was gone ended up spitting them out onto the table....there were about 2 piles of 3 apples each


Well-Known Member
I'm 18 now, started when I was 14..
First time I did it was past a bridge in some tall grass..
Man where we high.. 4g's between 4 people, my first time, I was walking upside down (Literally, I though I actually was!)
Then I always had to sleep at a friends house cause I was shit scared of being caught, but then when I stated doing it more, I was like.. what the hell am I thinking.. Smoke a bowl right before going home, then never got caught.. started doing it before school .. never got caught.. just staring at the front of the class room with a dorky look on my face :joint: never been caught (Some close calls, but never caught..well beside my dad -.-', I think he use to be a stoner, so I didn't get into any trouble)


Well-Known Member
I smoked my first cannabis out of a stone pipe at a party at the ATO house at the tender age of 21. I had always assumed pot meant joint. The notion of smoking weed out of a pipe never occurred to me. I didn't experience any noticeable effects and assumed I did it wrong. I had some intense dreams that night. That was a long time ago.:joint:

On the cat problem/issue: feed them all the trimmings you please. Soon kitty will get bored. My Priscilla gets first crack at all males & hermies. She could care less about my girls now.
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