How old are you?

You are amusing. I did read the whole thread, that is why I am complaining.

Do I really need to know that you are half German and half Ukraine and don't like hearing that you looked pale? Of course, that would not have come up if you hadn't posted a pic to prove how "sexy" you are.

And no, I really don't want to know where you work....unless it has something to do with the ages of the posters on this site?

You wouldn't have to "stick up for yourself" if you hadn't given out so much personal information....but too late now and I am sure you are not will keep feeding the trolls more information and keep getting the attention that you seem to need. Maybe you don't get enough attention at home?

I don't like posting negative stuff, hopefully you can be adult enough to accept that I have no hard feelings toward you aside from you luring me into your thread under false pretenses.

If not, feel free to badmouth me all you want as I am not going to stick around to read anymore of your "what age are you" thread. I now know more than I ever needed or wanted to know about bblzs.

Good luck to you and I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.

Why is it people take everything out of context? I LOVE the color of my skin. I had just never been told I was pale & stating my ethnicity was just to show you where my color came from.

LIKE I SAID BEFORE, I posted wanting to know ages. Then people started asking questions, so on so forth. Like I said, I could care less what you or anyone else thinks. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's that easy.
One more thing though, I get plenty of attention. I have not one negative thing to say about my husband. He is the best and everything any lady could want in a man. & he's sitting right beside me reading all these posts haha.
Attention seeking wasn't my goal. People take words and misconstrue them on the internet. It's not my fault there's a bunch of FUCKTARDS out there!
once a dirty girl all ways a dirty girl. If I wanted a dirty girl i would have married one, You can have just about everyone fooled, but deep inside you know That some one will be able to see all that bull shit threw them big brown eyes
Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard?

Commander Alan B. Shepard. cn
Oh - ! That would make me 36 or 37. I realize that Shepard commanded Apollo 14 in '71, but i was referring to his suborbital jaunt that oficially put an American into space. cn

<edit; disambiguation> Fifty. cn
Oh - ! That would make me 36 or 37. I realize that Shepard commanded Apollo 14 in '71, but i was referring to his suborbital jaunt that oficially put an American into space. cn

<edit; disambiguation> Fifty. cn

like 61 right... whats the combo?! fuck I want some Shakeys pizza...
like 61 right... whats the combo?! fuck I want some Shakeys pizza...

Not sure if this is what you are asking, but the vehicle stack was MR-3, a Mercury capsule (Freedom 7) astride a booster that was the MRLV (Mercury-redstone Launch Vehicle) variant of the Redstone single-stage liquid-fueled rocket. Yes ... i am a huge space geek. cn

After having reread the entire thread a 3rd time I have worked out where the misunderstanding started... Woooooow.
Sorry guys, continue ^^