How old is your dog?


Active Member
Hey guys/girls just wondering if anyone has had or has dog that is super old.
How old is your dog and what type of dog is it?
I always think someone has a older dog then mine.

My dog is a mut lol, border collie and terrier
she is getting old but she is still happy and mobile.
she is 17 right now, turning 18 this year.


Well-Known Member
Wow thats a old doggie you must take good care of it.I just put my 13 yr old pit down last year :( She had cancer was really upsetting I loved that bitch!And it wasd the best dog i ever owned.


Well-Known Member
my pit died at 9 :( but my American Eskimo lived to be 22! used to shit in a corner and break a hip trying to back out in a panic, and end up making shit angels on the tile floor. we called it the slide and side shit party.


A mixed bordercollar/appenzeller currently 16.

17/18 is incredibly old. Wow.

Hope my buddie makes it that age but having doubts.


Well-Known Member
i've got a border collie that is 8 and an Australian shepherd that is 5. I hope they both live a long time, but I might think about putting them down if they were making shit angels on my floor. Thats no way for any creature to live.

I had golden retrievers growing up and they all lived to be around 13 years old. 17 is a very old dog.


Well-Known Member
My favorite dog and oldest dog I have now is only about 7 years old. He is a mutt also, a cross between lab, german shepard, and malamute, he weighs a whopping 170 pounds, and is not overweight, hes been with me through it all, he means the world to me.
lol I do have a cat, that's 18 years old, its a tabby. I am truly amazed he has ever lasted this long, he got hit by a car 3 years ago, and broke his leg in multiple spots, The vet would do nothing but put him down, He couldn't walk and was to old to operate on. I brought him home, and thought the best thing was to put him down, but he was still eating, so I gave it some time, over a few weeks he could actually walk again. His leg is still broken but has some how fixed itself, he can still manage to use it to an extent. He used to be quite the hunter back in his prime, bringing home, rats, squirrels and even rabbits from time to time. He is blind as hell now, can barely here, rittled with arthritis, I honestly do not know what is keeping him alive, all he does is sleep and bum for food now. I dont think its that common for cats to live to be that age. What about cat ages? Anybody got any old cats?


Active Member
seems like you guys all had and have old dogs
myself, not a big fan of cats.
hope the best for all of them live long.
The thing i find the funniest about my dogs life, is she has lived of nothing but noname dogfood and treats her whole life and shes 17 turning 18.