How old were you when you first got high?

14 but 15 when I enjoy it

No video Iong people tape everything.. I Iove to seen how I was the first few times :P

oh, wait. did you know that marijuana is a scheduled and controlled substance and by axing us this you are asking us to self-incriminate?

Still 13
I did, but judging by most of our responses the statute of limitations has run out on that. today is however a different story.
16 the first time actually got high. I tried it around 12 or 13 and again a few times around 14/15 but I never got high. I distinctly remember the first time I got high though. I was setting in a friends living room with about 10 to 12 other people and we were smoking about 10 to 12 joints. As soon as I passed one I got handed another one. I started tripping and thought my face was melting, I loved it from that point on.
Unfortunately for me I bought into all the drug war, school drug "awareness" hype etc and there was no internet when I was a kid to do my own research. I was force fed bullshit about MJ as a kid just like all those cops and politicians against it were. The problem is they are still are brainwashed.

Anyway, I got high once at 17 but was under the nose parents, not very fun so it was the last time during my youth. I didn't start smoking until 20 years later and that's what I consider my first high. So 37-38 ish.