lol its really easy in california to get your MM license. I was 20 years old when i got mine, and all i did was get on file with a real (one that doesn't prescribe medical marijuana) doctor about some back pain, you know have a follow up to make it look legit, he offered some pain-killers and i told him that i don't like to take prescription drugs and found that Marijuana relieves my pain and is far better on my body (liver wise, not having to process man-made drugs). and you know what happened next.... my doctor, the one i have had since i was a kid, gave me a referral to a doctor that was know for prescribing medical marijuana. 1 week later, $55 walk-in appointment, $65 MM License (not to mention the $50 each club wants for membership) , and an extra $15 for a cultivation license.... medical marijuana... priceless....
Its really that easy in California.... i feel sorry for the other states....