How safe is


Well-Known Member
this has been answered 100 times. i still don't remember exactly how it goes but i know we are as safe as we can be. rollitup can/has explained it. somewhere there's another thread or 4 like this. :)


Well-Known Member
this has been answered 100 times. i still don't remember exactly how it goes but i know we are as safe as we can be. rollitup can/has explained it. somewhere there's another thread or 4 like this. :)

Just for the record, i really pushed this issue earlier this year, i am pleased to still be here.....


Well-Known Member
why do the mods never answer this question? I've seen other similar posts and all the person gets is some smart ass coment about holding your head between your legs or wearing tin foil on your head. Why can nobody give a real answer? I want to know what RIU does to protect our the answer going to hurt the site....if they tell the truth are they affraid everyone will leave. I won't leave, its too good here...I just want to know. What does RIU do to protect its members?????????

edit: just had a thought...maybe if they told us what they did it would make it easier for the bad men catch someone..and that would be no 2c
You need to learn how to protect yourself on the Internet. Like anonymizer software with SSL encryption and disposable e-mail addresses, software that erases information in the hidden files in your hard drive etc..


Well-Known Member
Well p placed detailed police photos from a local service lot, and i never got a knock on the door YET

I promise whrn they come they will carry a big stick!


Well-Known Member
this has been answered 100 times. i still don't remember exactly how it goes but i know we are as safe as we can be. rollitup can/has explained it. somewhere there's another thread or 4 like this. :)
I couldn't find it. You are right there are a bunch of threads regarding this topic, I guess I missed one with an answer. But now that you are here I feel all warm and fuzzy:hump:


Well-Known Member
You need to learn how to protect yourself on the Internet. Like anonymizer software with SSL encryption and disposable e-mail addresses, software that erases information in the hidden files in your hard drive etc..
I'm not concerned about my safety. I have all the precautions in place. I route through france and germany. They could still find me I'm sure if they really wanted too....but I make it as hard as possible. I was just curious what the real answer was. Although I'm still too perinoid to post pics of my room and stuff....which sucks cause I really want to share. But the way I see it....right now all I'm doing is talking and not giving any proof(pictures) of any illegal activities. My main reason for doing this is because you can google weed questions... and I can find the posts I've made at RIU... on the internet. I guess I might be over doing it...but my state laws suck and its the same offense for 1 plant as it is for 10, and there are no medi-pot laws either.


Well-Known Member
Your ISP will have more reason to report you, just typing into google can be logged by them as can any webpage requests via their DNS.


Active Member
this web site is as secure as its gonna get. the thing id be thinking about is how to protect your own ass cuz others sure as shit wont. keep any and all information relating to you OFF THE WEB. let common sense rule.


Well-Known Member
Its safe as long as you deactivate the navigation option, otherwise anybody can locate your house and read up on your life history.;-)


Well-Known Member
IP addresses are not logged I do believe. Other than that RIU would have to give you the answer.
IP#s are logged. I dont think a website would NOT log an IP. If RIU did not log ip # then they could never ban someones account or access.

This site is based out of Maryland....just run an IP tracer and it will tell you that. Or run a domain check and see who the owner of the site is.

Being that it is based in the USA, and under the Patriot act, the government has the right to pull any logged IP# without a warrant.

Dont forget, just cuz you grow a plant, you are now a terrorist to the united state of embarassment.