How screwed am I?

Mr. Map

I've done enough research to know that this is likely a stress hermie. Sadly, I'm a beginner, and this is 6 weeks into what I thought was going to be my first good plant.
My question is, do these pics show any signs that pollen has already been spread? And based on what you see, what would you do? These pics are from the lower undergrowth. I see no nanners in the upper areas or inside buds. Thanks.

Mr. Map

Razor/exacto knife, cut them off!
Thanks for the help!
The nanners are only on the lower growth, which is some of the low-light receiving parts that many folks recommend removing as part of lollipopping. Would it be better to just remove this lower growth, so as not to spread pollen? And since I'm at 6 weeks, just plan on pulling it soon if I start seeing problems up top in the better buds?


Well-Known Member
chop that lady boy down there will be nanners inside the buds that you cant see that will pollinate that plant and others in the room with it

Mr. Map

agreed, give it the hand of god.
Thanks for the feedback.
So is this the overall consensus? And if I remove, should I let it sit in the dark for 2-3 days first, to finish as much as it can, or will that just make what I try to sample even worse?