How should I cool my room

It's going to be a sealed room I was thinking to go with a multi zone mini split. I live in Michigan so and our weather is very bipolar here. The reason I'm not interested in a central ac unit is because of having to get an air handler for it and run ducting although the mini splits are more plug in and play each one has pros along with cons. Doesn't a mini split use less juice than a central ac unit or does it all matter about SEER rating ?

If you're not interested in the seer Goodman look into rheem, buy the equipment have a handyman put it all together and charge the system or setup the plenum furnace sweat the pipes run ducting and then have someone charge the system, or get a commercial package unit system put it on the roof.or
Get 3-4 mini split systems
What are the temperatures like in your area ? Sealed room ? Many different ways to go about
Come on, you're building an 18kw room costing thousands and thousands but can't Google?

1kw = 3600 BTU. Add 10% headroom and you'll need 4k BTU per light.

Therefore 18 lights need 72k BTU to cool them.

1 ton = 12k BTU. So 6 ton of AC will cool your room while running at around 90% capacity. If you want more headroom\redundency then add more as appropriate.

Dont forget to add in the wall fans and any thing else thats plugged in there.
I'm still figuring out my layout for my new room , I'll see what I can find , I'm looking for a nice inexpensive mini split, currently in a 5x5 but building a 10x10x7 sealed room in a larger room to help keep cool also I'm picking cob parts for a test run , a sunsystem 315 cmh and possibly a led.
My DE-HPS run pretty warm at 100%
Being sealed, don't forget to add in the heat for a dehumidifier and the burner, unless you use tanks, I prefer tanks. I have a 12000btu for 2500 watts of lights and a 750 watt dehumidifier, love it. Also look for a good wall controller that can control a heat/cool Minisplit. That way it stays at a temperature zone (65*/75*night 65*/80*day).
I looked into that Fujitsu brand and like the reviews about them although thsts only 9k in cooling power I need 72k+ I'll have to get 8-10 of those. Do you know of any company that has a 3 ton mini split unit ? I don't want a line of compressors behind my home.

6 ton will be going into the commercial grade ac unit I'd seriously look into picking up 2 of these or similar and if something happens to one ac you'll have another running