How should i set up my outdoor grow?

I have a nice spot in the back of my woods for a perfect grow spot. I am just not sure how i should go about preping my area? Its about 10x10 and in a spot were the sun hits all day long :leaf:. Any help would be nice outdoor growing wise. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I dig up the native soil and amend it with my organic premix on a tarp. Its also a good idea to top dress around the holes with Dolomite and a dry organic like Chicken Manure or Bat Guano.

I do not top dress with my Organic Premix because the Recipe is made up with Blood.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Native soil 30%,poting mix 30%, bat guano 10%, chicken shit 10%,regular sand 10% little bit of perlite 5% and worm castings 5%. mix well and watch them flourish. you wont even have to add nutes till flowering and very little even then. Good luck man. Im an outdoor guy my self. check out my balcony grow on my profile. Stay Green.