How should I store my seeds?

I've kept seeds, cannabis and others, viable for literally years by putting them in a plastic container with a desiccant and storing it in the fridge. Some of the online seed sources offer tips in their FAQs, so you might try having a look there too.
I've had some in the fridge for months. They're inside film containers with silica packs, and those film containers are inside another black tupperware container. After months of being stored this way, I put eight of them in wet paper towel just the other day and 100% of them popped within 24 hours.
I have some "extra" seeds from an order in February. How should I be storing these?
Listen to Great White, use your imagination as long as you hit those 3 criteria theyll be fine I just toss mine into ziplocs bags with dessicant, rice or napkins to absorb excess moisture then throw them in a dark droor till im ready to pop them.
In the 'fridge inside the butter compartment. Best temp. for long-term seed storage is right around 40 degrees F.

Good luck, BigSteve.
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I've had some in the fridge for months. They're inside film containers with silica packs, and those film containers are inside another black tupperware container. After months of being stored this way, I put eight of them in wet paper towel just the other day and 100% of them popped within 24 hours.

I do the same thing, except I use grains of rice instead of silica packs. I figure I'm not trying to dry them so much as keep a stable atmosphere (mass for temperature stability along with the two layers of containers; absorptive for moisture stability, preventing condensation.).