How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

actually they do, I saw it on an infomercial and I couldn't understand who would need it. None of the people were fat in the commercial.

That's classic... I'm gonna try and find it on YouTube or something. Do you remember what the name of it was? Brnand or anything?
Last I checked, morals were not in the TOA when signing into this site.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. It is strictly prohibited to post any message related to drug-exchange, trafficking or drug-dealing. The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Apparently your reading comprehension skills need improvement.
Ok , where did you get that?
Apparently your reading comprehension skills need improvement.

Ok... So is moderator April going to correct herself or someone like you when you guys post something sexually oriented.... Don't start calling out bullshit sticking up for your little girlfriend when you're guilty of shit too, just different stuff. You should probably be bitching at yourself for posting your ass in spandex... Did you bitch at anyone for that when they commented on it and sex they wanted to grab it?? No! Cause you guys love having people stroke your egos... And every comment a guy makes to April about screwing her, she should be having her little "pep" talks with them....

Why aren't you guys?? Oh, you're exempt from it?? Because shes a mod, and you're perfect? I never had a problem with either one of you until now... Hypocritical assholes! Don't pick and choose which ones you wanna bitch at... If you're going to bitch, bitch at everyone that does wrong. You guys don't choose the severity of shit... You're just an average Joe... Just like everyone else. So either get your head out of your asses, or fuck off!

Fucking people who Crave power, and ABUSE THIER power, are just people that were never respected in the real world.
hey lets keep politics out of this intelectual thread. now on to my advice. sometimes i stretch a piece of TP from the front to the back of the house and scootch my ass across it till i dont see anything else. so i guess my answer is front to back. if you want i can come to your house and scootch my ass clean. but sometimes i do shimmey from side to side. so i take back my front to back advice and say front to side to side to back. that works. understand? hope this helps a bit.

{update] im high

Dude this is way off subject, but I wanted to post some pics in your thread, cool shit around your house, or whatever it was... But my laptop charger took a shit on me, so all I got now is my iPad and it's too hard to take out of the case to take pics. Once I get the charger I post up some of my cool shit.
And regarding on whats gong on above, I once saw a picture and there was like a man gamer and a female gamer and the male gamer was getting things said like GO KIL YOURSELF. The female gamer everyone was like tits or GTFO, and like your a fuckin girl, or like your probably like 10 years old you stupid cunt. Ahaa the life of females on the internet
Ok... So is moderator April going to correct herself or someone like you when you guys post something sexually oriented.... Don't start calling out bullshit sticking up for your little girlfriend when you're guilty of shit too, just different stuff. You should probably be bitching at yourself for posting your ass in spandex... Did you bitch at anyone for that when they commented on it and sex they wanted to grab it?? No! Cause you guys love having people stroke your egos... And every comment a guy makes to April about screwing her, she should be having her little "pep" talks with them....

Why aren't you guys?? Oh, you're exempt from it?? Because shes a mod, and you're perfect? I never had a problem with either one of you until now... Hypocritical assholes! Don't pick and choose which ones you wanna bitch at... If you're going to bitch, bitch at everyone that does wrong. You guys don't choose the severity of shit... You're just an average Joe... Just like everyone else. So either get your head out of your asses, or fuck off!

Fucking people who Crave power, and ABUSE THIER power, are just people that were never respected in the real world.

Wow someone needs a hug ;)

And sorry if u feel picked on but ur kinda painting a big red target on urself ;)

I don't pick sides only read and make my own opinion, guess thats why i got picked, sorry sweety i never asked for this only answered an email i received, bet that burns ur buttom even more eh love?

Only reason ur attacking me is because i'm a female mod.
Wow someone needs a hug ;)

And sorry if u feel picked on but ur kinda painting a big red target on urself ;)

I don't pick sides only read and make my own opinion, guess thats why i got picked, sorry sweety i never asked for this only answered an email i received, bet that burns ur buttom even more eh love?

Only reason ur attacking me is because i'm a female mod.

Why would it bother me that you do a job, that you don't even get paid to do??? I made over 175k this past year, on the books, and I'm jealous of you?? HahahHa yeah right! I could own younif I really wanted you! I mean hell, a mall cop is above you, at least he gets paid to do it.

You closed down that Wilhelm123's thread because you crave power and had to show everyone that you could close it... AWESOME!!! You post your ass and tits all over the internet for guys... Have one of your pep talks with yourself!!! You love the attention though, because you don't get attention in public. You're nothing special in real life!

I don't feel picked on either... I think you pick and choose who you correct. So if you don't Like what I say, take the advice you ALWAYS give, and don't read it and don't bring yourself in it. You're totally cool cause you have guys that have your back, because they actually think it might help them get into your crab infested panties.... You're seriously a joke!! Lock this thread all you want, I can always make another...

Whenever you are perfect, then start correcting other people... But you're just as guilty as the people you correct. you ma'am are a hypocritical asshole and too conceited to see it!! Good day to you!
Wow someone needs a hug ;)

And sorry if u feel picked on but ur kinda painting a big red target on urself ;)

I don't pick sides only read and make my own opinion, guess thats why i got picked, sorry sweety i never asked for this only answered an email i received, bet that burns ur buttom even more eh love?

Only reason ur attacking me is because i'm a female mod.

I wanna see that pic + reps for link!!!! (unless shes fat)
So I'm sitting in class, and I'm sick of fat people sitting down!! I'm fat and I stand during class.... And they just sit in thier seats. Makes me sick! So, anyways, I need some advice on how to wipe my ass? Yes I made a statement a question with the incorrect punctuation mark. Do I wipe front to back or back to front?? I know a guy. He's a guy I like. What should I do??

I'm finding it hard to understand what exactly your wanting to know.

These are things your mom and dad should have taught you.. apparently they didn't.

What a sad situation. :|

Good luck with that.
