How sketch is guerrilla growing?


Well-Known Member
if shit goes down, u really wanna be within a distance where its a logistic idea that they are yours? if u feel safe with ur plot then go for it! Im jus saying its more like ull want to visit often and trails will occur and ppl will see ur weekly walks and take notice. I like to have an excuse for goin near my grows. fishing, shooting, hiking, not sure about bird watching, every officer knows that excuse and will investigate. iv had a grow in the marsh about a mile away and that was the closest as far as geurilla growing. but I barely tended them and watched for any eyeballs on my back as I walked but u cant really spot game cams when they are well hidden to spot u. again, all jus opinions tho. jus don't wanna see any grower go thru some bs for growing a plant illegally or not. not a pretty thing bro. and its a DAB life!!! :) but I really wouldn't do pots either, like Kermit said someone can almost walk off with ur harvest. go out and find a nice secluded spt surrounded by black berry bushes or some what not an easy walk too and start there, maybe do two spots incase one also gets discovered... and here I am rambling on... Good Luck! _Tycoon
As far as people taking your plants if they are in containers... who cares?? if they stumble across your plants its already a game over.. they probably own the land and will either remove them or will call the cops. they also might setup a trail cam... thing about trail cams is they could be wireless and send the pictures somewhere else.. probably a good idea to wear some sort of bug net for disguise and also for the bugs :p

the advantage to containers is if you see a trailcam you can just move your plants away from the trailcam... also keeps your medium from mixing with the shitty native soil


Well-Known Member
yea i agree with u also if i dig a hole and stick the smart pot in there and cover it with dirt no one would know its in a smart pot lol. but advice well take