How smart is your dog ? that winter is in full swing my dog cant be fucked to do anything but steal my wool socks.

does this mean she is dumb?

Ugh I wish Thor and I drove during the night to my hometown it was fcking -45 out I let him out to pee he pees than lays down in the snow ......I had to pick hi up he wouldn't get back into the car I was so fucking cold
Ugh I wish Thor and I drove during the night to my hometown it was fcking -45 out I let him out to pee he pees than lays down in the snow ......I had to pick hi up he wouldn't get back into the car I was so fucking cold

-45 wtf ?
Why would you live somewhere that cold ?
I think 15c is super cold !
Well, thats the female dog...just snapped this pic of the male poodle catching some zzz's

I have wronged these pets as a parent...shaking my head. He sleeps like this every night. They may not be bright, but they are loved!!!!

Haha cute mine is in his crate for now he's still youn every other night I allow him to sleep outside of the crate to uncreate train him but I have to sleep in the living room with him tham
my lab/pit mix LOVED his crate...he seemed resent me for a few days when I took it away. My lab/doodle mix hated his crate and cried damn near every night in that thing. Puppies are cute, but I am glad mine have grown a bit...though they still have puppy tendencies :D
Mines a year next moth but only have had him for 3 months he's cool I love him but he will destroy anything he's gotten into this everything has to go into my mouth stage
To many tests. Freckles hes a smart lil fucker and very sneaky. He just learned roll over knows sit and dance he can follow me without requiring a leash and he comes when I call him. Loyal,smart,funny and doesnt BARK best part is the last
