How soon can i put them under the HPS??


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to know how soon i could put some seedlings under a 400 watt hps to where it wont harm the babies? Like whats the earliest and safest time to introduce them to the 400?


Active Member
I started my seedlings on a 400W hps they were autoflowering but I dont know if that makes a difference just make sure to keep the light at least a 1-2 ft above them just to be safe you will still have plenty of light for them not to stretch


Well-Known Member
thanks. i was thinking that after the first true set of leaves pop out that i wud throw them under the hps at about 2 ft max away from them. ocean forest too strong for seedling?


Active Member
u can give your seedlings more light with fluro tubes.....cause you can get em right top of the little girls.....keep the lights back 5-7" till they sprout a leave or two then put it right on em...meaning an inch of the top. Hps will work but by the time you get that sucker back far enough not to burn em' you've lost most of the punch+ I think fluros...the cool whites....emit blue light....great for vegging. Leave em under the tubes t'ill they get a couple sets of leaves.....and grow some legs....then put em under the hps
that's the way I do it, works for me.
good luck


Active Member
i chuck mine under 600w hps from day 1 but i use cool tubes, they keep the temp down and stop burning the seedlings i have my light about 2 foot away and slowly bring it closer each day. if you can keep the temp down and get them close enough to the seedlings you get mighty fine results


Well-Known Member
didnt mean HPS as thats for flowering. I meant MH lol. But i guess im good as long as the temps aint high and the lights are not too close


Active Member
yeah i have done it with a 600w mh too its a little hotter than a hps but if you get it close enough and the temp down you will get even better results


Well-Known Member
didnt mean HPS as thats for flowering. I meant MH lol. But i guess im good as long as the temps aint high and the lights are not too close
yeah whichever. I prefer cfls (6500 K) for the first week or two, sves energy. Yu can have a 400 w HID a bout 14-16 inches safely, the closer the faster they'll grow.


Active Member
i started my first grow with a 400w hps and my second with a 400w mh. no problems so far.
you can put them under hid from start to finish..Whenever i start from scratch i start them under my 400 mh but if im using the 400 to flower i use my 150 hps and cfls