how soon can I test clean?


Well-Known Member
I want to smoke some weed tonight(havent in 3 or 4 months because Scared of getting tested). Can I be clean in 4 days if I do? At least will I pass a test? And what do I do to make it outa my system, preferably not the last minute detox stuff or something like that. Maybe something that actually cleans the THC out?


Active Member
Yeah if you got 4 days till the test i woudnt risk it, besides if you have waited that long not to smoke whats a few more days


Well-Known Member
wow u fail if u do!!

although for some1 who doesn't consume thc on a every day basis or at all for that matter (you) then taking 1-2 rips(enough 4 u IMO) SHOULD be out in anywhere from 1-7 days



New Member
all you have to do is get sum1 clean to piss in airplane shampoo bottle and put it between your crotch and wear tighty whiteys the day of. or smoke light and drink nothing but water cranberry juice and exercise because the thc is stored in your fat cells


Well-Known Member
There is no guaranteed test, just ben told that tests can happen. No test ever yet, just dnt want it in my system for too long. i smoked bout .1g of this amazing kush stuff, was so baked last night!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
There is no guaranteed test, just ben told that tests can happen. No test ever yet, just dnt want it in my system for too long. i smoked bout .1g of this amazing kush stuff, was so baked last night!
Don't pull a peter parker, as in check yo self. Wait till the testing period is over. A good way to stay clean is to EAT a lot. Drinking a lot of water, taking niacin, all of the jack-assed methods that people tell you are bullshit. 80% of THC is passed through your shit, where 20% is passed through your urine. With a higher food intake, you will shit more, releasing more THC. Anyways, if you don't smoke a lot in any one sitting, and don't smoke too often, you should be cool with a few big glasses of water. Though if you are going to smoke I would recommend to be sitting on a clearing kit for the tight spot which is bound to happen in a random testing situation.

I recommend "herbal cleansing carbo clean 32" from GNC, about 50-60 bucks. [AVAILABLE IN FRUIT PUNCH AND GRAPE FLAVORS] Buy it and sit on it before you smoke again. It seriously beat probation piss test, and they sent it to the lab where it beat GC/MS, creatine[sp?] level, and specific gravity tests.

Don't know why I added the bold underline and caps to the part in brackets, but I thought it sounded like an infomercial.


New Member
sweet! hope it was worth it and you dont get tested! good post parker. you work for gnc? lol exercise and drink plenty of fluids youll be fine


Active Member
Thc has a half life of 3 days. So if you take in 5grams in 3 days you'll have 2.5 grams in your system. But if you take in another 5 grams before the three days you'll have 7.5 grams in you system. It keeps snowballing.


Well-Known Member
Thc has a half life of 3 days. So if you take in 5grams in 3 days you'll have 2.5 grams in your system. But if you take in another 5 grams before the three days you'll have 7.5 grams in you system. It keeps snowballing.

Well the good news is, I only took in bout .1 of a gram. I kno thats like nothing, but not smoking for sooo long got rid of all my tolerence, and actually lowered my tolerence more than it was the first time I smoked. .1 of a gram made my head float that night haha.