How soon to top feed?


So people say if you use an amended soil like Fox Farm, your plant is set for food for 30 days or so.

Since a product like Down To Earth or Gaia takes some tome to break down, should you hook up a top feed 3 weeks in?

Teas seem like the big thing all over you guys top feed, compost tea, or both?

So people say if you use an amended soil like Fox Farm, your plant is set for food for 30 days or so.

Since a product like Down To Earth or Gaia takes some tome to break down, should you hook up a top feed 3 weeks in?

Teas seem like the big thing all over you guys top feed, compost tea, or both?

Sounds like a good idea to wait until week 3. Maybe even week 2 if you go light.

I just top dress anymore. Teas are great, but more work.

You do want some decent EWC or compost too. I just ordered more compost last night.

And I usually add some pumice to the EWC to lighten them up. The compost I get doesn't really need it though.
I just top dress also no more teas for me, I personally think your amendments are more productive in a topdress, better to top dress a little to early than a little late.
I also heard on a podcast recently can't remember which one might of been tad hussey's podcast that even if they don't need it right away it's good to get a top dress on there so the roots can get to where the top dress is to utilize it when it does come time to use it. Kind of get the roots used to it, then when it's needed they are in a good position to use them.
I played around with gaia green and can notice it kicked in after about a week or so after top dressing. Take that for what you will... I used fox farms once, did a tea of ewc and had nitrogen toxicity... now I'm afraid to touch that stuff Haha.