How strict is law enforcement in Indianapolis?


Active Member
I will be visiting Indianapolis in a few months and am wondering how strict they are over there with pot? The laws don't look so good according to NORML's site, especially compared to good old CA, but realistically, should I be worried? I'd like to possibly bring just a real small stash with me for the weekend there. Speaking of which, does anyone have any good methods for traveling with a small amount (I'm talking like maybe 1/8)? Or is it just not worth it? I've never traveled with pot before.


Well-Known Member
well my best adivice would be sure to keep the pot, in a locked glove department. and just to drive like you normally would, just be cool. go about your day like you normally do and you should be straight. peace


Well-Known Member
I friggen hate Indiana,every last time ive drove through that state ive got a speeding ticket,the last time was for 5 miles an hour over the speed limit even though i had the cruise control set 5 miles below the limit.

Frow what ive see the cop's there just love out of state plates,be carefull as hell,i'd put my stash in the trunk inside a locked suitcase.


Well-Known Member
You're lucky that its not Illinois, I would never bring pot there again...

Anyways, Indy is a big city, you shouldn't have any problems. You will find with bigger cities that they don't care as much about a little pot. They have bigger fish to fry..meth labs, ect.


Active Member
Sorry, I should've included the small detail about me flying there. Too far of a drive for me, for only a few days :-) I was just a little concerned with the fact that Indiana isn't a decriminalized state so I don't want to get taken in and all that just for smoking a damn joint or something in my hotel room due to some ignorant wannabe hero noticing it and calling the cops to get another "druggie" off the street. lol!

So, should I even attempt taking a small amount of pot with me to the airport, and if so, how to I hide it?

Thanks to those of you that have already replied.