how strong is the smell if growing outside?

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
im 17 and trust me i am old enouth. whats that got to do with it any way?. just trying to make a bit of money and just thought i could get away with a few out side. there are only houses on one side of the place, the other side is fields.

i am not growing in my perents house tho, its in the garage and there unawear so they cant get in trouble.
You couldn't possibly be more wrong about that, and if you're that wrong about that one I suggest you take a moment to seriously consider what else you may be wrong about. Or you and your parents may both wind up in a world of trouble. 4cyl5spd is dead on the money; your thinking reflects a lack of maturity that could lead to disaster. No offense - you seem like a nice enough kid, and I don't want to hurt your feelings. But someone needs to tell you straight up that you're exposing your parents to a hell of a lot more risk than you realize.


Active Member
i have checked in to it and i am old enouth to be charged my self and as i only have 4 plants inside i can only be warned.

this is in england.

dont wory i have seriously consider the whole thing. i have only told about 5 people what i am doing


New Member
tbf i have never do it outside and just wanted to know if it had a strong smell

and i am not a kid
you still live with your parents and dont have the maturity to be out on your own yet then you are a kid. @ your age I had a house and a 98 jeep Cherokee.