How tall are they going to get?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hows the smoke?
i want to know how much taller my plants will grow once i put them into flower?
i have them under a 400watt hps and using an ebb and flow system. i have 2 plants they started as clones(13cm and 8cm) and are 3weeks 2days into veg. they are now 31cm and 23cm and they are growing 1inch every 2 days. the light is about 2 feet away and could be raised another 6inches if needed.
i want to put them into flower at 4-5 weeks. it depends how much taller they grow while flowering.
please someone help me.



bud bootlegger
if your strain is an indica dominant strain, they will most likely double in size when you switch to 12/12, and if they are sativa or sativa dom, they can atleast double or triple in size ... it really depends on your strain..


Well-Known Member
if your strain is an indica dominant strain, they will most likely double in size when you switch to 12/12, and if they are sativa or sativa dom, they can atleast double or triple in size ... it really depends on your strain..
Yep, what RB said, plus, by the looks of your plants I'd guess they're mostly sativa.


Active Member
It looks like they are going to stretch out a lot, you better start bending now, hold down the bends with wires.


bud bootlegger
yeah..i agree with the aboves.. you should start to look into a form of either lst or maybe supercropping to keep them in control.. i just had to supercrop my on e dna sour cream, and i was nervous as a virgin on prom night, but i read up about it and watched a few videos on what to do, and it all came out fine... stressed her out a lot less then i had thought too, and had recovered in less then a day....
being that you are still vegging, i would say go with lst... i am sure there are plenty of threads on here that teach you how to perfom lst, and it doesn't look all that hard honestly..
best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, hows the smoke? thanks for the replies. i have started to lst my girls today and i also added some fluros pointing upwards to help with the lower branches. the growth rate seems to have increased again, so at this rate i am sure i will run out of room. they are growing in a cupboard that is 1200mm(w) x 580mm(d) and from the base of the plants there is 1100mm to the highest the light can go. i will just have to manipulate them so i can fill the space best i can. i will post another update with some more pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Start a journal eight... Heaps easier to keep a track of your grow... I can subscribe to individual threads but that's a pain in the arse... Also a running commentary would be cool...

By the way, they do look yummy....;-)


i read somewhere on here that if you put your light closer then it keeps it shorter.and keeps them from streching to the light too much.


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere on here that if you put your light closer then it keeps it shorter.and keeps them from streching to the light too much.
only to an extent will it slow it down and u take a strong chance of burning, if ur gonna try that( and i did) you've gotta watch them like a hawk :fire: