How tall for scrog

How tall should a plant be before adding netting? I feel my plants are not getting taller only bushing out.i was imagining the net around 12" from the soil
10-14” above the soil is very common. Then just keep spreading the growth shoots out as they start to grow upwards through the net. A nice tight net will give your plant the most support. As you spread the growth out you can even weave some branches through then net which will add more support later as they put on weight. Once your net is about 75-80% filled with growth flip your lights to initiate the transition to flowering.
I think you are right.....the plants are already dry after misting 20 minutes ago and the minerals may be creating a slight film on the leaves.....will consider hydrometer and only mist once daily when the light is off ....probably confusing plants with dew in mid day sun lol