how tall?


I have to Green House White Rhinos growing outdoors right now. they are about 2 months old. theyve had alot of stress and growth stunts due to heat, transplanting and bugs but are doing great now. one is about 2 ft tall and the other is 1 foot. how tall do they need to bee for me to get about a pound betweem the 2 of them. i was going to let them each grow about 6-8 ft but privacy around me has been getting scarce. anyone know?


Well-Known Member
well you can always lst them, make them fat and short. this late in the season might be hard to get a half per plant, but with no more stress and propper nutrition its possible.


i mean if i give them another 2 months the one should be like 5ft and the other about 4. would that be enough to get that yeild. these are supposed to be high yeild plants. if i get a pound yield then im going to switch to indor hydro grows. just needs funds first


Well-Known Member
they should be budding by the end of this month might get a pound if they are in the ground by now and have good grow conditions.


they would bud before it gets 12/12 for light and night? 12/12 doesnt happen untill september 25th. which is like 2 and a half months


Well-Known Member
yea man so many variables there. the seasons have been changing so you might get the extra veg time you need. Up here in nocal last frost was about 2 months ago, but potted plants were already in veg a month prior.. longer for some. So guess your not too far behind..
good luck..


Thanks they were potted may 11th so up untill today theyve been growing. and have another 2.5 months. so hopefully they grow to a decent size but not too large. gonna do some lst to help the yield


Well-Known Member
that might be your best bet to get the most at this point.. more tops and less troublesome little buds..


Well-Known Member
they would bud before it gets 12/12 for light and night? 12/12 doesnt happen untill september 25th. which is like 2 and a half months
yes they will, once the days start getting shorter the plants adjust and start flowering. Mine started flowering late july last season. SO unless you plan on using supplemental lighting to keep them in veg they will naturally flower within a month. It doesnt have to be 12/12...

hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
they would bud before it gets 12/12 for light and night? 12/12 doesnt happen untill september 25th. which is like 2 and a half months
Yes. They might start flowering at the end of this month. I would LST them and hope for the best. A pound is very unlikely.


Yes. They might start flowering at the end of this month. I would LST them and hope for the best. A pound is very unlikely.
ok and sorry if i sound dumb. but this is my first outydoor grow. how long does the flowering period take usually?


i like to tie the tops down like a juniper bush so the whole plant gets light the buds get heavy all the way down the stalk this way and they stay low to the ground and imo they grow much faster and they do grow out and up during flowing left untied you will get between 4.5 to 5 footers given a good pot size and well looked after