How Team Obama tried to hack the election

When Brennan rants about the dangers of strongman Vladimir Putin targeting our elections and subverting our democratic process, does he not catch at least a glimpse of his own reflection?

What he and the rest of the Obama gang did has inflicted more damage on the integrity of our electoral process than anything the Russians have done.

Lulz @ obammer and his clan,fuck it,lock em all up
So Obama (being President at the time) was briefed on intelligence from foreign intercepts and your guys kept showing up in it?

Scandalous, but at least you guys can admit the Russian collusion now.

Told you he was a POS. Here you go UB, here's your scandal. Last paragraph says it all.

Good riddance to that assclown!
Everyone in NY knows that the NYPost is an entertainment rag people read as entertainment during their commute, at the end of every commute you're bound to find the Post in the trash, train seat, bus seat, ferry seat and always in the crapper you won't find the Daily News, NY Times, Wall Street Journal... NY Post has the lowest circulation for a's a fucking joke on par with the enquirer:spew::spew:

Told you he was a POS. Here you go UB, here's your scandal. Last paragraph says it all.

Good riddance to that assclown!

NY Post is the print version of Fox News. In other words, this is fake news, bad reporting, slanted coverage, infotainment, whatever you want to call it. But it's not factual.

This is all moot anyway. Trumpers don't base beliefs, policies, and talking points off of information. Rather, a good Trump cultist bases their beliefs, talking points, and policies on feelings and intuition--things that cannot be verified and measured.
I don't forget the birther I said that is just like the so called treason/impeachment bullshit.
Idiot fucker, they are not remotely alike. Birther was a foul lie to provide hate boners and wet asses to the hideous nationalist slime ball 'constituency'.

Russia gate is a reflection of trumps greed, naivete and corruption. Its not fabricated. It is documents, resignations, special investigations and narrow greed eroding the highest level of govt.

Youre a wilfully ignorant, witless shitball to present these different occurences as analogous.
NY Post is the print version of Fox News. In other words, this is fake news, bad reporting, slanted coverage, infotainment, whatever you want to call it. But it's not factual.

This is all moot anyway. Trumpers don't base beliefs, policies, and talking points off of information. Rather, a good Trump cultist bases their beliefs, talking points, and policies on feelings and intuition--things that cannot be verified and measured.
things that cannot be verified and measured.
You mean things like collusion? Lol
Standard practice since the invention of the telephone lol
You're delirious from smoking, confefe bone spurs. It's not standard practice for princelings to set up communication channels with enemy intelligence officers. Adding "lol" to close out your shitty posts is cringeful shit.


The least athletic, most bloated and hideously inarticulate excuse for a statesmen in American history Trump is a slave to greed and narcissism. He cheats, lies, bullies and buys his way through a miserable existence.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump said at a campaign rally last year.

Trump has frequently been accused of cheating — by raking the ball into the hole with his putter or moving the location of his ball, even taking a gimme on a chip shot. (Trump disputes this.) “If he got a hole in one, he’d write down zero,” one Palm Beacher told me recently, borrowing a line attributed to Bob Bruce.

As The Post reported in 2015 , Trump’s golf mates have often been reluctant to call him out on the funny business in the moment because, well, he’s showing everyone a good time.

And hey, if Trump’s venture into politics has proven anything, it’s this: So long as he’s sufficiently entertaining, the public will accept any lie he claims.
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