how the hell do i get them to grow

so i just recently started to plant my own pot just so i wouldnt have to go out as much and get it and waste my money i planted one in a cup and its only about an inch tall and only has like 4 leafs on it and its been a few weeks is there any way i could get it to grow faster and dose any one know how to sex weed plants if you do please tell me im confused on what to do and its annoying as hell:wall:


Do you have it under a light? Also it will show its sex usually within a week ofm putting it in flower. There are a lot of relly helpfull posts on here to help you out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
start by reading the grow faq, top right.
You're gonna have to read a lot, people aren't going to hold your hand the whole grow.


Active Member
yeah, really man. you need to get some lights on your plant. sounds like the plants hit the max growth for sprouting and stalled. get some 6500k (blueish color) compact fluorescents and start reading the newbie central posts. Lots of research ahead for you... i remember those days...


Active Member
I'm a first timer as well...So, in order of how I learned:

not so many nutes

On week five of flowering. Could not have gotten anywhere near where I am without finding RIU.

Hit the FAQ in the upper right. It's laid out in front of you.
It will spawn a ton of questions, but that is good. MORE to read.

Also, don't babysit the plants. Monitor them, attend, but don't react too quickly to every leaf that has a problem. OH, and take PICS and UP THEM!!!! You will get some great info here off of a pic alone.

Good luck and welcome to the new growers club! Expect to drop some money (especially if you indoor grow)