How the U.S. Raid to Rescue Hostages in Yemen Went Wrong


Well-Known Member
Ginwilly a racist crying snitch?
seriously man, would you post my address here?

I mean, I give you shit, I know that, but would you seriously try to ruin my life over your perception of me on a forum? You never really struck me as THAT guy. I know Buck is THAT guy and is feeding you info and telling you what to say, but is that really who you are? You would rat me out? For reals man?


Well-Known Member
While it was just a hobby for me, I bet I made more money playing poker online after work a few years than you did spinning metal for a living.

Say it crayon next time, that's when we know you've completely lost it. I'll share just the tourney wins from just one site. You can easily google sit and goes, ring games, party poker, full tilt poker, Doyle's Room, paradise poker and few other small sites that probably no longer exist.
and at work:wink:


Well-Known Member
and at work:wink:
LOL, never played poker at work. It's something that needed constant attention, I can't do that at work.

I can do this at work, I can trade currency while working, but I can't play in a tournament at work, sometimes I have to drop everything and take care of an emergency, that would be prohibitive to profit.

Hopefully I still have a job after Chesus finishes his full on meltdown.


Well-Known Member
I get that Sky. At one time we did some really shitty things based on skin color. Some wonderful people like Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson and Dr. King showed us a better way. They had to fight the likes of LBJ and Daddy Gore but "we the people" finally demanded equality.

LF is making the argument that we would go back to those days without laws telling us not to because white people would not serve black people on our own without laws telling us we have to. I disagree.

I happen to agree with alot of what Ginwilly says. Money is money, the goal is profit so why would anybody refuse service when it means less profits? In a truly free country there can be no laws that abridge the property rights of others. Has anybody seen ''STATE Property?'' It reminded me of ''The Gremlins'' They glorify that behavior in the mass media. Truly sickening. The point is if service is being refused it's behavior related not race.


Well-Known Member
I happen to agree with alot of what Ginwilly says. Money is money, the goal is profit so why would anybody refuse service when it means less profits? In a truly free country there can be no laws that abridge the property rights of others. Has anybody seen ''STATE Property?'' It reminded me of ''The Gremlins'' They glorify that behavior in the mass media. Truly sickening. The point is if service is being refused it's behavior related not race.


Well-Known Member
Quote---''No, let's be honest. It's what you interpreted me as saying. I never mentioned skin color, never gave preference to one over another and never claimed to know which region showed more than another. All I said was it would be against science to declare there isn't a possibility of one region showing skills another region didn't develop. This could be white/white or black/black. YOU make it white/black so you can yell RACIST!! since you can't argue any other way.

That's all on you brother. It's what you have to make it so you can argue against it. There are physical characteristics developed through need, saying it's impossible for mental characteristics to develop based on need is taking PCness to new heights.

And just how many sites are you going around reading my posts on? Stalker much? Seriously, how many?''

I have to say that's really quite creepy of Chesus. Creeps me out big time.


Well-Known Member
Quote---''No, let's be honest. It's what you interpreted me as saying. I never mentioned skin color, never gave preference to one over another and never claimed to know which region showed more than another. All I said was it would be against science to declare there isn't a possibility of one region showing skills another region didn't develop. This could be white/white or black/black. YOU make it white/black so you can yell RACIST!! since you can't argue any other way.

That's all on you brother. It's what you have to make it so you can argue against it. There are physical characteristics developed through need, saying it's impossible for mental characteristics to develop based on need is taking PCness to new heights.

And just how many sites are you going around reading my posts on? Stalker much? Seriously, how many?''

I have to say that's really quite creepy of Chesus. Creeps me out big time.
if you read the rest of ginwilly's posts on that site, you will see that ginwilly believes that blacks are naturally less intelligent than whites and that is why there is a white-black gap in this country.

you also agree with that?


Well-Known Member
if you read the rest of ginwilly's posts on that site, you will see that ginwilly believes that blacks are naturally less intelligent than whites and that is why there is a white-black gap in this country.

you also agree with that?
It's been my personal experience that that is not the reality. I have met a few geniuses of African origins. It is documented that Africa has the highest per capita of morons in the world. This is not genetic. This is due to a lack of protein when they are still growing. Dietary deficiensys resulted in lack of brain development. Also resulting in early death, rickets and a host of problems.

Maybe there is a white/black gap in this country because of ''poor old me syndrome'' There are people that get shit done and there are people that bemoan what a bad deal they got, ( true with any race ) I do believe that there are cultural differences between blacks and whites, and that these differences may be the reason for the gap.


Well-Known Member
It's been my personal experience that that is not the reality. I have met a few geniuses of African origins. It is documented that Africa has the highest per capita of morons in the world. This is not genetic. This is due to a lack of protein when they are still growing. Dietary deficiensys resulted in lack of brain development. Also resulting in early death, rickets and a host of problems.

Maybe there is a white/black gap in this country because of ''poor old me syndrome'' There are people that get shit done and there are people that bemoan what a bad deal they got, ( true with any race ) I do believe that there are cultural differences between blacks and whites, and that these differences may be the reason for the gap.
allusion to rushton and blaming of blacks. well done.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who this Rushton fellow is, I can only speak from my personal experiences. Blacks make up ten percent of the population yet they have screwed me over more than fifty percent of the times that I have been screwed over in my life. This means by simple math that your are statistically more likely to be screwed over when dealing with a black person. This is in reference to the cultural differences in the previous post. This cultural difference that it is ok to screw people over makes it harder for the race as a whole to find opportunity. I believe there are a lot of blacks that would agree with that assessment. Before you rush to judgement and scream racist ask yourself who is the real racist, a black that decides it's ok to screw somebody over because he is Whitey? Is that not racist? Long term gains and opportunities are forsaken for the quick screw job. Could this be the reason Africa has failed to develop and that living standards in South Africa and Rhodesia have plunged over the past 25 years? I think it's obviously due to this cultural difference.


Well-Known Member
BTW Uncle Buck,

I have made contact with a Nigerian prince who needs 5000 dollars in order to claim his inheritance. He is promising 500,000 dollars when he recieves his inheritance. I can't take advantage of this opportunity at the moment but if you like I could forward you his information. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who this Rushton fellow is, I can only speak from my personal experiences. Blacks make up ten percent of the population yet they have screwed me over more than fifty percent of the times that I have been screwed over in my life. This means by simple math that your are statistically more likely to be screwed over when dealing with a black person. This is in reference to the cultural differences in the previous post. This cultural difference that it is ok to screw people over makes it harder for the race as a whole to find opportunity. I believe there are a lot of blacks that would agree with that assessment. Before you rush to judgement and scream racist ask yourself who is the real racist, a black that decides it's ok to screw somebody over because he is Whitey? Is that not racist? Long term gains and opportunities are forsaken for the quick screw job. Could this be the reason Africa has failed to develop and that living standards in South Africa and Rhodesia have plunged over the past 25 years? I think it's obviously due to this cultural difference.
BTW Uncle Buck,

I have made contact with a Nigerian prince who needs 5000 dollars in order to claim his inheritance. I can't take advantage of this opportunity at the moment but if you like I could forward you his information. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
you're hilarious and cute.


Well-Known Member
What's mellows handle at pocket 5s?
Not a P5er, that's something you would do, ask someone from another forum to come here to help.

Seriously Cheesus, it's really not normal behavior to stalk other men around the internet, just because Buck does it doesn't make it any less creepy when you do it. That's just plain weird. I can't even imagine wanting to follow you around digging through 9 years of posts. Normal people just don't behave that way.


Well-Known Member
Not a P5er, that's something you would do, ask someone from another forum to come here to help.

Seriously Cheesus, it's really not normal behavior to stalk other men around the internet, just because Buck does it doesn't make it any less creepy when you do it. That's just plain weird. I can't even imagine wanting to follow you around digging through 9 years of posts. Normal people just don't behave that way.
i believe he just googled "ginwilly racist" and looked over your top hits.

funny that googling "ginwilly racist" brings up more hits on pocketfives than it does here, never would have expected that with all the extremist shit you spam onto our forum.


Well-Known Member
i believe he just googled "ginwilly racist" and looked over your top hits.

funny that googling "ginwilly racist" brings up more hits on pocketfives than it does here, never would have expected that with all the extremist shit you spam onto our forum.
The search results bring up instances where those two words are used, not the meaning you are implying, but honesty is not really your thing. Google you and racist and you'll get millions of hits because you've posted the word racist millions of times. It won't mean that you've been Unclebuck is racist a million times.

Don't be dumb.

What you are implying would mean Chesus googled to see how many times I said the word racist and then followed links around the web to read them. Holy shit he's not on your level of stalkiness I hope.