how they doin


Well-Known Member
looks pretty good, on your next grow if you grow with floros i would recommend flowering a little sooner. rather than having all those small buds you would have several bigger ones. its personal preference really, but just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
they are developing really nice. like the other post, not sure on how long you veged for but they seems a little stretched out and might produced a little more with a more compact structure. But that might also be the strain. Or it might be in need of a little more light intensity. Floros have the benefit of less cost, heat and easier management, but they also are not as intense. And in pot growing, the sun's energy is what makes the product. so the guys running 1000W have seriously cranked up the machine. But that's all just anotehr discussion. your plants look good and will yeild you some nice smoke I'm sure. Walk On!!~~


Well-Known Member
not sure to be exact ..... I am not familiar enuf with sativas to know whether they stop the upward growth once flowering fully takes over .... it would make sense that energies are directed to flowering and not growth at that stage. I hope someone else with good sativa experience pipes in .... good luck bro! Walk on!~


i meant should the buds get bigger. it has stopped going up no havent had to move the light for about a week.


Well-Known Member
oh yes ... with the energies now focusing on the flower development you will see significant changes ....or I would certainly expect that will happen over the nxt weeks with due care and attention to food water and light. Walk on!!~


Active Member
They look good man, way to grow!

The buds almost always fatten up towards the end of the flowering cycle (swelling).


Active Member
they look real nice man, i have some sativas growing and i was talking to an expert on them and he said they can flower for like 3 months someone on here flowered them for 22 weeks (i hope not lol) keep posting pics


Well-Known Member
I've read so many times that the bud will lose around 70 - 75 percent of it's "wet" weight during drying... So, weigh it when you cut it down and then subtract 70- 75 percent of that weight to get a rough number of what it'll weigh when dry. This is just what I have read.


thanx for all the comments. im glad that peps are saying that the will swell up. lol this is my first go so im really happy im gettin so much posative feedback.


Well-Known Member
Pruning through veg improves yields.

I top a plant if nothing else usually.
Getting two or three main colas instead of one.

When you grow just one plant, train it to have as many bud sites as possible, if you are making those cuts, they can be as plentiful as you make it.

When the plant decides then it just tries to grow as its genetics say to.

There are many things you will learn to do to make the most out of your ladies. Read all the FAQs on this site and soon you will have an awesome amount of knowledge. I learn something new here everyday.


i didnt do much pruning but i did top it but not until late on i think that i should have done it sooner than i did. never mind its all a learning process.


Well-Known Member
i didnt do much pruning but i did top it but not until late on i think that i should have done it sooner than i did. never mind its all a learning process.
yes, this is what I was about to say. No one noticed. it looks very much like my first grow, I took the top of the plant off like, 2 or 3 days after I saw the very top bud because of height restrictions. It resulted in a plant much like yours, with sets of 2 buds on each site, with no main top cola. If you had have topped during vegetative, then you would have MUCH larger buds.. but im sure you've learned this like I did :peace: