how to add pictures


Well-Known Member
As you are typing to add post scroll down and you will see Additional Options
in the Additional Options box you will see Manage Attatchments click on that and you will see the upload thing or you can host the pic somewhere else and use the url.


Well-Known Member
or click "go advance"... and then click on the little paperclip beside the fonts and sizes and shit... and then just browse for the pics to upload em' from ur comp.:joint:


Well-Known Member
what stonerbean and mambook would not work for me ,if u have the same prob try photobucket and just copy ,click back to "riu"go to where ever you want to post and then paste,takes about 30 sec. once you get it down.....good luck with both.....ras


Well-Known Member
how does that not work for u guys?!?!?!?! lol...
should it not be the same for everyone?!
i think its just prejudice on my cpu,lol,but i still found a way,sshhh,dont tell anybody stonerbean but i might not be to computer smart,lol(that means anything that has to do with a computer,you know how ppl have smartass remarks here,lol)so i use whatever works for me,sshhh,please dont tell,please,j/k, probley does wok its just i cant get it to,lol...ras


Well-Known Member
YOu might have been trying to do it while we were on the old server, we have a new server now because the old one was getting slow for the amount of members we have.

Using photobucket is ok, it gets the job done but the only problem with it is your security anyone who is not a member can see your pictures but if you use the attachment or gallery feature these can only be viewed by registered members.