How to avoid raising red flags (question)


New Member
Hi, I’d like to start my growing journey and am new to everything. The state I live in has not legalized weed and I was just wondering how I can avoid raising red flags. I don’t plan to grow a bunch of plants at once, but one or two at a time using a 600W LED. Assuming it would raise my electric bill around $42-$45 dollars a month, is that enough to raise red flags? What about the equipment, seeds, and the nutrients I need to order? Will those raise red flags? I do not plan on selling any of what I may harvest, I just want to make an attempt at growing something I love. Thank you to anyone who replies with advice or answers!
Carbon filter, and zipped lips should do fine. If you're super worried about the seeds find a bank that does stealth. It's usually listed under shipping options and costs a little extra.
Don't tell anyone about your grow that you don't trust with your freedom. Aside from the seeds, there's nothing you'll be buying that doesn't have broad, legit horticultural applications beyond anything illegal. Loose lips sink ships. Don't broadcast what you're doing and you should be fine with a small grow. Unless they happen to stumble into something they can act upon, I don't think the law really gives a damn about a little weed these days.
Hi, I’d like to start my growing journey and am new to everything. The state I live in has not legalized weed and I was just wondering how I can avoid raising red flags. I don’t plan to grow a bunch of plants at once, but one or two at a time using a 600W LED. Assuming it would raise my electric bill around $42-$45 dollars a month, is that enough to raise red flags? What about the equipment, seeds, and the nutrients I need to order? Will those raise red flags? I do not plan on selling any of what I may harvest, I just want to make an attempt at growing something I love. Thank you to anyone who replies with advice or answers!
You're asking all the right questions! My favorite saying has always been, " ain't paranoia if they _really_ are out to get you." And in my state in the Southeast US, they most assuredly were / are. It's not as bad now as it used to be, we don't have to worry about planes or helicopters like we used to but you still have to be discreet. I've grown for a very, very long time and I've always lived by these three principles:

1. Don't tell
2. Don't show
3. Don't sell

The only beings who have ever known that I grow / develop cannabis have been my wife and our dogs, absolutely no one else. You have to keep your mouth shut and not tell all your friends and neighbors how great your plants doing. ;)

Not sure of the cost per kilowatt hour where you are but I'm not sure that your power bill will go up that much and I would be very, _very_ surprised if there's any kind of electrical usage monitoring going on. As long as you're not a wife beater and get the cops called on you. :o

You can order everything you need except seeds via Amazon, if you're in the US or Canada. Not sure about Europe or Australia.

The shipping of seeds is now totally legal in the US and shouldn't be an issue whatsoever. The first place I would look for seeds, being a US resident, would be MrNice

Outstanding first question on the forum!
Nobody is gonna do the detective work nor be granted a warrant to bust you for getting enough supplies to grow a couple plants.

Even if you used your real name and address to get it all shipped to you at the same exact time in one box, or were witnessed hauling it inside.

Even if you get your seeds shipped right to your door.

*Assuming you dont have a history with local law enforcement/narcs or a rap sheet for drugs/growing.

Electric bills going up, heat signatures being visible from a helicopter, etc are all non issues on a small scale, even 10 plants would be negligible in those regards. Growing plants isnt illegal. You are innocent until proven guilty.

If you want to be extra safe and are going to a hydro store bring some garbage bags for whatever you buy, throw it in the contractor bags for the move from the car to the house.
Suggestions would vary pretty wildly based on how much you're looking to spend. If it's a boxy fixture with little cooling fans inside, I'd avoid it. Always read the fine print and pay close attention to ACTUAL wattage. Sometimes they use vaguely tricky wording and you have to sweat the details. A lot of the low-end "600 watt" LED fixtures are actually more like 200 or so.
Lots of research and no less than 240 watts actual
I have no doubt I could flower to completion under my 250 Watt HLG Veg Pro. I don't think I'd get a lot but I'm sure it would do it. So yeah I agree at least that (but depends on the area under the light). Maybe 2 plants max if they were smaller or 1 medium?
In the US Electric bills won't get you busted.. I've had friends over the years, myself included that had 4 digit bills monthly. Most that ever happens is the electric company will ask if you were expecting a high bill (when you go from no usage to a grand a month). Another friend was sent a letter asking if he operated a business, he simply never responded.