How to be stealthy


Active Member
Hey outdoor growers! Im wondering say i have 4 plants in 5 gal pots growing outside.

just wondering how the hell you guys dont get caught any tips?

like could a helicopter see 4 plants growing in pots?

PLZ REPLY ive been reading alot about indoor growing so now id like to learn sum about outdoor:bigjoint:
Hey outdoor growers! Im wondering say i have 4 plants in 5 gal pots growing outside.

just wondering how the hell you guys dont get caught any tips?

like could a helicopter see 4 plants growing in pots?

PLZ REPLY ive been reading alot about indoor growing so now id like to learn sum about outdoor:bigjoint:

Cut out a swath of brush in the woods near your home, paint those 5gal buckets the color of the surrounding ground. I.E. camouflage. After you did this I would seriously doubt a helicopter could see em. But, like I said don't put them on your property just in case.
Your plants are smaller in a heli's eyes than the chopper is in your eyes....

Go deeeeeeeeeeeep in the woods

Research multiple spots til your sure
cannot stress enough the importance of extreme stealth! there is no stealth tactic that you can ignore! you must make all your moves with extreme dilligence. even the most experienced practioners of secret guerilla grow ops get caught for the most ridiculous reasons. things that you could never imagine possible. my father in law is an airial spotter for the drug task force. he was driving by a car parked on a deserted country back road and thought, now that dont look right? he didnt see anyone walking or looking for help. on his next day off he went back to the same place and parked. he noticed that where the car had parked the ground was worn from regular parking, the tire tracks were all the same, so he looked and saw a small trail going into the woods. he went down the trail that seemed to go nowhere for about three miles when he started seeing side trails. he followed one and found a cola monster! he checked the whole area out and found two hundred plus plants. he came back next day setup two hidden cameras and in two days had the guys licences plates and a clear foto of his face tending his plants. seven years later he gets to start his life over. maybe four with good behavior. please be carefull!!!!

ps. do the homework and become a serious stealth grower it is the only way.
cannot stress enough the importance of extreme stealth! there is no stealth tactic that you can ignore! you must make all your moves with extreme dilligence. even the most experienced practioners of secret guerilla grow ops get caught for the most ridiculous reasons. things that you could never imagine possible. my father in law is an airial spotter for the drug task force. he was driving by a car parked on a deserted country back road and thought, now that dont look right? he didnt see anyone walking or looking for help. on his next day off he went back to the same place and parked. he noticed that where the car had parked the ground was worn from regular parking, the tire tracks were all the same, so he looked and saw a small trail going into the woods. he went down the trail that seemed to go nowhere for about three miles when he started seeing side trails. he followed one and found a cola monster! he checked the whole area out and found two hundred plus plants. he came back next day setup two hidden cameras and in two days had the guys licences plates and a clear foto of his face tending his plants. seven years later he gets to start his life over. maybe four with good behavior. please be carefull!!!!

ps. do the homework and become a serious stealth grower it is the only way.

lol so your father in law is an airial spotter for the drug task force and you grow?
thats sketchy man.
hey all ive never grown before just like to learn shit about plants in general (veggies, houseplants, herbs, wild plants, cannabis) you name it lol. but yeah anyways anyother suggestions. I read people plant them next to certain other plants to hide better from FLIR.
anyone have more tips so far ive got infor like, dont grow on your property, dont plant in patterns, hellis have a hard time seeing a few plants and use camo. anything else helpful
Don't leave a trail try to walk on rocks,through water and take different routes or someone will follow the trail right to your grow.
Good post landracer. Sometimes the best answer is a good perspective. Thanks for reminding us that it's all about the spot. I've been scoping outdoor plots for years and have never found a good spot. All styles of cultivation considered, outdoor guerilla style is the most difficult and the easiest. My advice is to remember that there is a difference between a sativa growing in the woods and a crop of sativas being cultivated, cultivation being illegal many places. You may not be breaking a law because there is a sativa growing in your back yard, but as soon as you stake and tie it you're cultivating. In my case it's theives who keep me from having an adequate location.
I once heard of tree-top buckets with a rope and pulley system, seems like it could work in the right spot.
my main worry about outdoor growing if i ever did whould be copters. idk somthin about cops flying over forrests looking for plants is scary haha. whould like 4 autos be hard to see from the sky?