How to blind the eye in the sky????


Somebody is planning a first grow and the very first thing they'd like help with is Safety and Security....

Lets assume they're growing in an Attic, and the Attic Roof has been insulated recently, so professional insulation material has already been stuffed between the Rafters and Boarded over using Construction type wood. Lets also assume they've sealed all gaps where the Roof meets the Floor and Walls.

Picture this Attic - the floor is already insulated and laid, the Ceiling has now been insulated and covered in boards, and all gaps between the floor and the ceiling have been sealed. Its approx a 3x6m rectangle space with a Triangle roof and brick walls at either end. Now.... if somebody wanted to grow in this newly insulated Attic, what extra material should they ADD to the already insulated Roof and Walls to ensure that HEAT SIGNATURES can't be detected from the sky by you know who? There will be NO ventalation going directly outside from the Attic, everything will be vented into the rest of the house to cool down first. So all they are worried about is heat escaping through the roof and throught the walls. They would like to know HOW they should prepare the ceiling and walls of the Attic to make it detection proof from the Sky.

All advice will be appreciated People!
Before anybody kindly responds, the person in question already knows that a grow tent/grow box would help reduce the heat signature - but because they are thinking Safety first they'd like to build the Attic to be fully Sealed before even adding a box or tent. They would just like to know what material they should add to the Ceiling, the Floor and the Brick Walls of the Attic described above. They'll be using a Maximum of 4 lights no higher than 600w in the space described and won't be directly venting out from the Attic....

Quite a bit has been spent insulating the Roof, but once they have FINISHED protecting the Attic from the eyes in the Sky they can move on to the next stage of planning which should hopefully prove more fun and rewarding :0) So (SWIM) looks forward to any ideas and suggestions guys, especially if you've already done this yourself.....


Well-Known Member
Pumping the air into the rest of the house might cause an odor issue. If there is a basement, pump the hot air down there. It will help to reduce heat bills.

If you are really crafty, splice a drain line, and pump the air down into the sewer from a sink drain.


Active Member
Detecting heat signatures inside your home was ruled unconstitutional quite some time ago. They don't do flyovers like that anymore. They might fly over and look for any large outdoor operations but they cannot legally look at heat signatures for your house. Don't worry about it.
@ greensister

Thanks for the reply, my friend isn't worried about Odour... apparently an Ozone generator with a level reading device can kill all smells while ensuring Ozone level don't become dangerous. So Odour won't be a problem. Sending the Venting into the sewer / basement sounds Ideal but its not possible in that house.

@ FropHead

Thanks for the reply - I've heard that the Eye in the Sky isn't as all seeing as everybody makes out. Its similar to the Electricty Bill debate I guess. BUT the point of this thread was OVERKILL meaning it was meant to find out what material should be put on top of an insulated Attic Ceiling to prevent any heat signals radiating off the Roof like a Bright Lighthouse Beacon. Even if the Police can't legally snoop, it still makes sense to my Friend to not cut costs or become complacent. Safety comes First, and if there is a way to prevent heat signatures from emitting from a Roof then SWIM should be using that method to stay extra safe. If there is something to be done its not worth the risk not doing it. So thats what my Friend would like to know - what material should they be using to provide the ultimate insulation for an Attic Roof?

Sorry, I might not of been clear. Heat escapes a house when it diffuses through walls/roof/windows etc. So the Police don't have to snoop INTO your home to see you, they can see a house producing unusual amounts of heat a mile off. Where my Friend lives the local media have been talking about the rise in mass grows and illegal immigrants being caught growing ridiculous amounts - so it IS on the agenda where my Friend lives and unfortunately Police who routinely patrol in Helicopters are now actively looking for grows as well. My Friends question was HOW can you prevent heat escaping from your Attic in the first place. But your right FropHead, Police don't have ANY legal right to look into your house specifically, BUT if they detect your home from the sky while on a routine patrol THAT is all the probable cause they need to investigate further, especially if your house consistantly gives off much more heat then the surrounding houses. The Power Companys where my Friend lives have departments speicifically to liaise with Police too so growing is def something that is being clamped down on. Everybody knows So-called police intellegence is the MAIN WAY most people get most arrested, but more and more people have also been busted after being investigated because they wasn't careful in an Attic. Heat Signatures are not the biggest issue in the world for growers, especially for somebody like my Friend who only wants to grow for personal use, but its defineitely an issue that NEWBEES like my friend should discuss if they plan to grow in an Attic. You are MUCH better safe than Sorry.
Thanks RiddleMe.

SWIM has researched the topic before but SWIM doesn't have anybody to discuss possible solutions with because SWIM is a top ranking Jedi LOL

SWIM will go back over everything and hopefully discuss a few things with people on here. Also, has Some One You Know actually used Block IR before? SWIM has seen the YouTube advertisment but wanted to actually hear from somebody who has used it. Of Course, the problem with testing this product is you need IR Googles! But it would still be reassuring from SWIM to hear from somebody who has bought it and recommends it, or SWIM would like to read an independent review of the BLOCK IR from a magazine or website. SWIM really does like the sound of this product, as the the YouTube video SWIM saw ages ago was very very convincing. Thanks again.