I made a very simple cloner. I used a small tote, like 2 gallon. Shoe box-ish size. put an air stone bar in it. Fill it to the top with good water, no nutes. Cut holes in the lid, about 3/8th inch. You can fit many. Use a new sharp razor to take your cuts at a 45deg angle, and transfer them quickly. Set the cuttings right into the holes and make sure the stems are in the water. Run the air pump 24/7. put them fairly close under a standard fluoro light, a couple inches ( I used 4ft garage lights) You can spray them a few times a day with good water, again no nutes. You can put a dome over them to help keep them a little humid, but I didnt use one. Leave them alone and they should sprout roots in about a week. I'd guess I have a 95%+ success rate with this easy method. They get no nutes at all untill they are transferred into their final medium.