How to build Ebb n Gro Tutorial DIY

Sorry been real busy and will get back on this asap. I had my camera issue but got that corrected now and then had a massive war on mites in one of my 4x8 tents then had a a switch in a 8x8 tent flood setup go out and overfilled a res with top off that shorted out 6 timers and some surge protectors and then bunch of other things going on as winter rolles in.I will get back on this asap.. Also gonna post a basic how to germ seeds since so many seem to ask on here might be made a sticky..Back soon
Is this tutorial going to be scattered throughout this entire thread?
Kinda makes it a little difficult to follow man... Maybe when you get your shit together you can just make a few large posts so that it will be easier to follow and replicate
Making a post for every part needed makes it kinda tough to keep up
Im waiten for ya fletch so I can build mine. Got all my parts ready. If anyones getting anxious they can google kryptos ultimate controller. its a similar thread from years ago but i'm waiting it out for fletch. his diy i think is more professional and its what convinced me to go forth with this.
Tom your welcome to not come to this thread if you wish. I didnt set the way the new forum was made up. With pictures now I cant do like it used to be and load one then write some info then another and write. It now uses this small pictures that blow up on roll over and wont keep them in order if adding more then one in a post so each picture has to have its own post. As far as scattered not sure what you mean each one I have posted has been back to back ina row and all the other posts have come after and Im not going to tell people not to post questions. I have my shit together and am doing this is a favor to the community so if following a straight line is to hard for you by all means do not follow this thread and do one yourself.

ps nobody please say host pictures on photobucket or such then use image links as I prefer my info private and those site monitor your pictures and trace where they upload from
Tom 420 ~ as FF said "am doing this is a favor to the community"

Please cut FF some slack. He's only helping the community.

My 2 cents
Yup the link above takes you to Orge's version. his was more exspensive and didnt go into makeing the bucket setup just a brainbucket but still a good older thread and his was well bit messy looking when done lol
Yup the link above takes you to Orge's version. his was more exspensive and didnt go into makeing the bucket setup just a brainbucket but still a good older thread and his was well bit messy looking when done lol
keep doing what you're doing fletch. if you dont like other links on your thread I'll take it off. I just wanted our very eager comunity to see a quick glance at the brain and how it's made :peace:
FF i still would like to see your full version of the in no rush take your time bro make sure its right because some of us have other things to do like go to work and hang out with real family and friends and u should ignore people that hate this is caused by getting or knowing somthing b4 them lol peace.