[How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

There are places but I'd have to get the end milled for end caps and drilled for butane holes, by that Tim its near enough. Same price
You have obviously never had glass explode in your hands. I have and I thank god that I didn't get any in my eyes.. I'm glad that I can still see.

Now adays I try to avoid drastic temperature changes as well as immense pressure when dealing with glass of any sort.

But to each his own I won't try to stop you?

As far as the stainless steel tube.. its pen ended on each side... they use a rubber cork to plug the open end, and there is a tiny fitting to flow the tane through the cork.. very cool

But basically its like 3/4 in stainless steel tubing.. no seams
The glass I bought is not just going to shatter. shit is so thick I bet I could pressurize it with the butane for 30 seconds and then throw the thing hard on the ground and it wouldn't explode. (sorry, i'm not going to try that, lol) It is appreciated to voice your concern over glass and pressure and extreme temperatures, and I think that has been made clear. I would recommend the glass I got to anyone.
exploding glass is the very reason i chose to use copper (as long as you keep it clean)

the most problems ive ever had with copper is if i didnt seal the injection side well enough i get plant matieral shot at my face ( scary for me as i thought i had a pipebomb but HILLARIOUS for my freind watching )

-imagine sitting a kitchen looking outside at somebody standing over a pyrex measuring cup and pan of hot water holding a 2 foot copper pipe staring down the barrel to make sure he doesnt shake and goes to switch to the 2nd can and get the cap with the can of butane... all he seen was a big cloud of green like someone had green dust in a attic- i damn near ate that shit lol
I was looking into the glass ones when I bought my OKEIF extraction tube....might still buy one....I think it would be cool to be able to see the butane flowing through...and the ones I looked at were 5mil thick which is pretty hefty glass.

How are you guys reclaiming the spent oil????...like the cheese globs in my ash catcher and the golden glow in my globe and joint attachment....You using alcohol???
exploding glass is the very reason i chose to use copper (as long as you keep it clean)

the most problems ive ever had with copper is if i didnt seal the injection side well enough i get plant matieral shot at my face ( scary for me as i thought i had a pipebomb but HILLARIOUS for my freind watching )

-imagine sitting a kitchen looking outside at somebody standing over a pyrex measuring cup and pan of hot water holding a 2 foot copper pipe staring down the barrel to make sure he doesnt shake and goes to switch to the 2nd can and get the cap with the can of butane... all he seen was a big cloud of green like someone had green dust in a attic- i damn near ate that shit lol

the same kind of shit happened to me, me being scared and my friends laughing included :lol:

I was using a coffee filter, and it just ruptured BOOM 1oz ejected through the tube at like 30mph :lol: completely emptied the thing allllll over the pan and wall and floor... on my face, arms, neck, shoes shirt...... took DAYS of alcohol in the shower to get all that hash oil off my skin and face and hair :lol:

last time i used coffee filter...

ive been using like 120 micron mesh screen that came with my tube and it works great, no ruptures on that :lol: just rinse in iso and re use. Good stuff
the same kind of shit happened to me, me being scared and my friends laughing included :lol:

I was using a coffee filter, and it just ruptured BOOM 1oz ejected through the tube at like 30mph :lol: completely emptied the thing allllll over the pan and wall and floor... on my face, arms, neck, shoes shirt...... took DAYS of alcohol in the shower to get all that hash oil off my skin and face and hair :lol:

last time i used coffee filter...

ive been using like 120 micron mesh screen that came with my tube and it works great, no ruptures on that :lol: just rinse in iso and re use. Good stuff

hahah funny story, do you notice a difference in yield with a coffee filter or your mesh screen?
i got 5.4g of oil after 4 vac purges on an oz of small nuggets/ shake......

you loose like .1g on the screen.. not a lot
Well it's official, I'm hooked on the honey. Got my new pipe in yesterday and dabbed it up all day. Needless to say I was stoned out of my gourd for most of the day and night. I had to finally hit the couch about 8pm and didn't wake till 2 in the morn. Hmmm gotta love that honey oil.

Well it's official, I'm hooked on the honey. Got my new pipe in yesterday and dabbed it up all day. Needless to say I was stoned out of my gourd for most of the day and night. I had to finally hit the couch about 8pm and didn't wake till 2 in the morn. Hmmm gotta love that honey oil.


Hey peeps. Got a question for you all. I did a third round of making oil and I thought I was doing thing right this time, however I only got 0.8 grams of oil from more than 14 grams. I'm using trim, but it's all sugar trim and most of it is covered totally with trichs. I feel like I should be getting twice what I am. The trim is dry, I've been busting it up by hand pretty fine, but not dust. I've packed it in the tube semi tight. Using about half the can of vector for half an ounce. Oh, and I'm using only the metal screen that came with the extractor... no coffee filters any more. Any ideas?
hmmm more gas and maybe pack it a little more if the gas hasnt got time to work through it could be the issue. and btw love the sig man!
Hey peeps. Got a question for you all. I did a third round of making oil and I thought I was doing thing right this time, however I only got 0.8 grams of oil from more than 14 grams. I'm using trim, but it's all sugar trim and most of it is covered totally with trichs. I feel like I should be getting twice what I am. The trim is dry, I've been busting it up by hand pretty fine, but not dust. I've packed it in the tube semi tight. Using about half the can of vector for half an ounce. Oh, and I'm using only the metal screen that came with the extractor... no coffee filters any more. Any ideas?

What up jig. I'm clearly no pro here because I've only done a cpl of extractions myself but I ran the same amount of pop/trim and and got about the same as you. Mine was just a little over a gram both times. Now like you I don't know if this is good or bad. I'd like to think the the frostier the bud/pop/trim is the more you will get in return. I know this may not answer your question but I want to let you know that your not alone.
hmmm more gas and maybe pack it a little more if the gas hasnt got time to work through it could be the issue. and btw love the sig man!

I'll try that next time. Thanks. And Thanks, lol. Glad someone noticed.

What up jig. I'm clearly no pro here because I've only done a cpl of extractions myself but I ran the same amount of pop/trim and and got about the same as you. Mine was just a little over a gram both times. Now like you I don't know if this is good or bad. I'd like to think the the frostier the bud/pop/trim is the more you will get in return. I know this may not answer your question but I want to let you know that your not alone.

I appreciate the info my man. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Being a lone dumb ass is no fun, but being in a group of dumb asses is great, haha. (just playing dropastone you are no dumb ass)
how big your pipe diameter if its 1inch or over dont worry about stuffing to tight as i have to ream my used matierial out as if you would with a cannon
ALWAYS spray your butane outdoors with no open flame or heat source nearby. It's so easy to end up another asshat on the news because of butanes flammability. Bring it inside for purging once it's no longer runny in the pyrex, just sticky and bubbly.

excellent tip. i remember years ago i may have very possibly saved my drunk friend and myself. we were about to make quiet a big batch of oil so lots of butane around and he walks in the room with a lit cigarette before we start. he was real drunk at the time and completely forgot.
"not only dangerous to himself but others in the neighborhood"

LOL what.... HOW much was he making? 18 pounds of BHO with 200 cans of butane?? :lol:

For real though thats why you do it outside away from all flames or sparks, preferably with wind :)

No joke! i've heard from some locals that he wasn't running a small batch, but it wasn't huge either. Estimates of a couple lbs. Wax and BHO are getting HUGE in Fresno County. There's even a site called dabtube. com. My collective runs the site and most videos are shot at the collective.