[How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

Easiest way to figure it out. 1 can of butane per ounce. Half can per half ounce, 4 cans per quarter pound... get it?

I don't know where 12 cans came from but wow... let me get this straight make sure you didn't mean to write 12oz of butane.... 12 CANS of tane?!?!?! O_o

All aside, it's about time you stepped into the oil game! Good job. Now that your first run is out of the way you realize everything you should of had ready and should of done differently, eh? ;)
So I just made my first batch of oil and I must say it turned out a lot better than I was expecting for a first time. Put a nice dab on a bowl and man my buddy and I were high all night. I'm totally hooked now. Can't wait for another harvest so I can make some more.
Holy balls Verde hahaha.

Yeah you just used a case of tane on an ounce. But hey now you know and it wont be so hard or time consuming next time haha. Alteast you popped your blasting cherry, I'm glad you're finally gettin hooked on errlllz. :hump:

I really need to go get me some parchment paper too, I've been wanting to try it out.
Holy balls Verde hahaha.

Yeah you just used a case of tane on an ounce. But hey now you know and it wont be so hard or time consuming next time haha. Alteast you popped your blasting cherry, I'm glad you're finally gettin hooked on errlllz. :hump:

I really need to go get me some parchment paper too, I've been wanting to try it out.

cool cool thanks for clarifying :lol:

Easiest way to figure it out. 1 can of butane per ounce. Half can per half ounce, 4 cans per quarter pound... get it?

I don't know where 12 cans came from but wow... let me get this straight make sure you didn't mean to write 12oz of butane.... 12 CANS of tane?!?!?! O_o

All aside, it's about time you stepped into the oil game! Good job. Now that your first run is out of the way you realize everything you should of had ready and should of done differently, eh? ;)

hahahaha yeah man... 12 cans! WTF was I thinking! hahahaha I played 18 holes in the sun, then went and smoked hash oil, then figured out those numbers LMFAO.... we were retarded doing 3 cans per tube, 3 cans per 6g...

dude... you know... hash... unexplainable!

I am a retard.

I'm sitting there, thinking... MAN this sucks! This is a LOT of butane....

1 can would have been a cake walk man shiiiit.

I think I'm going to be making a loot of oil :lol: so this is what I was thinking about getting

okeif extractor


Listed at $55 us.

I totally get the design... It seems easy enough..

Would you need to use more tane for such a tube? Could you load it up half way and still get good results or no? I want to run like 3/4 an oz, to an oz and a half a time...

<3 you benassi :lol: I can't believe I used 12 cans wtf was I thinking.... LOL
Hahahahahahahahaha so it WAS 12 cans! Man that's classy Ron Burgandy hahaha real classy. Hey it happens though... ;)

The Okeif is pretty nice and the standup design is rad, however I'd rather spend $9 and if I need to do a larger run just buy another baster. I'm not cheap, I'm a realist! :lol:

But use butane to the amount of weed you have, not to the tube size... an for extremely huge extractions, just run tane until it starts dripping clear for a good 30 seconds, because you wont see anything for a good 4 cans :lol: (this being pound at a time runs with PVC or stainless steel)

Also, oil purity, taste, potency, and texture all depends on exposure time. A lot of guys will shit on me for using 1 whole can per 3/4 or 1/2oz but I'm more of a yield (get my money's worth) kind of guy so I don't really care. As long as I know I've purged all of it before ingesting. Less tane, bomber oil.
Hahahahahahahahaha so it WAS 12 cans! Man that's classy Ron Burgandy hahaha real classy. Hey it happens though... ;)

The Okeif is pretty nice and the standup design is rad, however I'd rather spend $9 and if I need to do a larger run just buy another baster. I'm not cheap, I'm a realist! :lol:

But use butane to the amount of weed you have, not to the tube size... an for extremely huge extractions, just run tane until it starts dripping clear for a good 30 seconds, because you wont see anything for a good 4 cans :lol: (this being pound at a time runs with PVC or stainless steel)

Yeah i'd agree, if anything use that $55+(counting shipping) on 2 more basters, a can or two of butane, and some random parts to rig up a multi-baster holder. It's gonna do the same thing that the o'keif would, just faster. Personally I just don't like the idea of unloading multiple cans of butane into a tube before anything actually comes out, but that could just be me 0_o
If I were you Verde I'd put the oil back onto the pyrex on a double boil and whip it up until it's dehydrated budder/ wax... just to be sure. But that's just me being me... :D
If I were you Verde I'd put the oil back onto the pyrex on a double boil and whip it up until it's dehydrated budder/ wax... just to be sure. But that's just me being me... :D

It's super duper clean man... way smooth stuff.... we poured in hot hot tap water into the pan where the pyrex dish was sitting... quite a few times until it didnt bubble any more, and looked like oil.. then oven @ 170 for a minute popped afew bubbles, then vac purged it 3 times in HOT hot tap water at -23 for 10 min until no bubbles came out..

I was stupid with the cans, and the amount, but the concept was right :lol: get all the tane out

Im a little frost bit on my finger I learned my lesson :lol:

If I put 3/4 an oz in that okeif tube, then I'd do like 3/4 a can of butane yeah?

So benassi, the idea is to run the tane over until it runs clear? Or what?
:) awh yeah...

going to be getting busy soon... my buddy has 2 zips of shake...



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Ah okay I see the context now... But would that not be true for like an oz run?

Or would you just run the can through an oz and call it a day?

By the way in case you didn't figure it out I just bought that extractor a few hours ago ;) I just posted the order, but I didn't say i bought it
Never used a baster but I love my Okief.....I've had three runs now....the first two sucked....the second....I packed it full....ran two cans through....my tane looks clear from the start....never looks golden....till it's all gone(evaporated)....then the pyrex is a golden hue!!!!! got twice as much on the third run with the two cans through it.....now I just need to smoke some!!!!!!.....I know....I know!!!!
endlesscycle any other tips on the okeif? Your saying it's only worth it to pack it full or what? I was thinking about running 28g each time..

I just bought mine, waiting for it to get sent out...
28 would be good.....from what I found out on the three runs is pack it a little more than you think is good....make sense...IDK.....the first two runs were really loosely packed(like a packed bowl) and I only filled it about 3/4s full....the third run was fully packed and was twice as much bud......much better yield...i didn't have tane come out the bottom till almost the end of the first can....then told my buddy..."quick....grab another can!!!"....oh yeah....and next run I'm ditching the screen...gonna try the filters....you'll see why!!!!LOL
Your ditching the mesh screen? I thought that sounded like a good idea...

you think coffee filters are better?
nice read gents i generaly use two 1/2 in. diameter 2 foot long copper pipes for 1 can of vector butane 2 coffee filters is my screen
nice read gents i generaly use two 1/2 in. diameter 2 foot long copper pipes for 1 can of vector butane 2 coffee filters is my screen

... I really hope you know how to properly clean copper residue before your extractions
Hey benassi, do you find yield ratios different - depending on if you pack your tube full or not?

I'm contemplating whether to do a 28g run or a 44g run for my first okeif tube extraction... with about 2 cans only :lol:

I spoke to my buddy, whom I made the errl with... I told him about the 1 can thing, and he was like "what? nooohh nooooo... all my friends do it like that"



I guess I will just make it as per your recommendations and then obviously we will see ;)

Benassi, I'm straight splurging on oil.... <3 it