How to Buy from Attitude???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Attitude use to be my Go to site but it all has went down hill since the no accepting of credit cards. I got a Email this morning saying Choice and Attitude was back in stock with Ghost Train Haze #1 Regular. I've been after these beans for a year now. My question is how do I purchase the seeds without sending cash or money order? I just don't want to do that. Its way to risky in my mind. I even tried to get Bitcoin but they make it so hard to purchase them. You have to do all this bank verifying and I know the beans prob wont be in stock no longer than tomorrow.
go herbies bro took them 5 days to get from the uk to nz thats like strapping a seed package to a balistic missile i couldnt belive it aye and they where exerlent to deal with
Order with CC. I have done probably 5-6 orders over the last 8 years without issue. Always get stealth shipping for the protection. I had a friend who's beans were confiscated and he lost out on his money and beans because he didnt buy the stealth shipping. BTW, nothing ever came of his stuff being confiscated for all you tin foil guys.
I order from tude on July 2 and the 4th. Can not tracked my order I don't even think they sent them out yet. I order from herbies on the 3rd and they are 10 min away be here tomorrow. So I think I will just order from herbies from now on.
for sure herbies but still attitude is better when the promo seeds and freebies are ones you actually want
Attitude feels more legit. Still can't track my order yet. Order the first time on the 2nd. I also order from herbies the same day and package was in the usa the next day. That's quick