How to: cannabutter

Hi my plant is about 2 weeks into flower and I trimmed some sugar and fan leaves off the bottom was wondering if they would be any good to make cannabutter and if so is there a way I can save the leaves for tomorrow?

The Bunny

Active Member
Imo the leaves from a 2 week flowering plant wouldnt contain enough goodness to make the effort worthwhile not to put a downer on it. Just wait use trim after harvest. There is lots of good info I this site for other uses of trim. Imo


Well-Known Member
Hi my plant is about 2 weeks into flower and I trimmed some sugar and fan leaves off the bottom was wondering if they would be any good to make cannabutter and if so is there a way I can save the leaves for tomorrow?
This will definitely not work. The "sugar leaves" are only good when they have "sugar" on them, and the plant has grown out fully. Don't use fan leaves for edibles... it'll make things taste horrible. Use only bud and sugar coated sugar leaves.

Also, you need more than a few leaves to make butter/oil. I use coconut oil, two cups of that per ounce of trim/bud (I use 80% bud, but that's just a personal preference).