how to change to flowering


Active Member
im in my 8th week and there about 5 ft high and is time to flower so my question is how should i change the light cycle to 12/12 without hurting them do i leave them in the dark for 24 hrs before turning the light or change the cycle right away.


Well-Known Member
holy shit 5 feet....they are going to be huge! i flowered mine at like 32" and they are at like 7' and they aren't done yet. but yea you can just switch it.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap man 5 foot? I hope you got a 12 foot ceiling, have you bent them over at all cuz you probably will need to. Yes as the other man said you can just change the light to 12/12 its not going to shock them or anyhting.


Active Member
I'm a little bit confused on stages. Is there certain intervals I should change it at, or just when I want.

So say I let my plant grow to 30 inches and the switch to the 12/12 cycle, then that put it in to flowering?
(I havent actually grown anything yet just getting knowledge of the process before I start)