How to clean large amounts of hydroton

Hi I was wondering what is the best way to clean a large amount of hydroton.. I use nearly 6 50L bags per run so it is not very efficient for me to buy new bags every time.. All input is appreciated thank you

match box

Well-Known Member
I put the hydroton in bleach and dish soap. Then lots of water to wash it off. I didn't do it the last time but this next time I think I will put them in the oven and heat them up. Little bits of root stick to the balls. Not sure if it can be a prob just want to avoid any prob. match


Active Member
The above suggestion may be least expensive, but I don't like the idea of bleach and dish soap. (not hating) I use H202 and (2) 20 gal trash cans. I let it all simmer in one can and then dump it over to the second can a few days later and go back and forth. Its a pain… I wish I had more room and I could build a nice station for it with some screens. I know you can also use enzymes, but that would be even more expensive. No matter what the situation, I find that H202 works great to clean hydro set ups. I use the 30% and a little goes a long way
How many times do u dump the buckets back and forth and how long in between? What would u do with the screens if u had them? Last each time you change bucket do u add fresh water and H202? Thanks for the replys


The above suggestion may be least expensive, but I don't like the idea of bleach and dish soap. (not hating) I use H202 and (2) 20 gal trash cans. I let it all simmer in one can and then dump it over to the second can a few days later and go back and forth. Its a pain… I wish I had more room and I could build a nice station for it with some screens. I know you can also use enzymes, but that would be even more expensive. No matter what the situation, I find that H202 works great to clean hydro set ups. I use the 30% and a little goes a long way
h202 does work but it doesnt work like that several days in row, more like 10hours when you got lots of stuff there to catalyst the reaction and warm water. so you would haveto keep adding it in during the several day clean up, its basicly gone by the morning when you have crap for the h202 to nuke down. enzymes would work much longer, so you could argue about the cost efficiency and amount of labor depending where you live, to me enzymes are better for the job but i only got like total of 5liters hydroton that i reuse


Well-Known Member
I built a rack with screen with qtr inch holes.. Dump hydroton on screen and spray with water hose, usually let it sit out for a day or so ahead to dry out all the root matter. Then i dump in 50 gal drum with sterilizing solution.


Active Member
I boil my hydroton in a huge tamale pot that can hold 30 liters of hydroton. There's no need for bleach or chemicals. Hot boiling water will kill everything and loosen roots stuck to the hydroton. Most of the crap floates to the top of the water. Then I just strain it with a huge strainer I bought at the dollar store and then use the strainer again to drain the water off the hydroton.


H202 is crap in my opinion. I've tested 35% h202 at full strength on some different fungus's and on some fungus nats and it does nothing at all except make the nats real clean looking. I dont think bleach is bad when used responsibly. A lot of commercial hydroponic places use chlorine in their water to keep things clean which is found in bleach. I use bleach in my water if needed to keep down the costs of water coolers and benies but only after the root system has matured a little, the best defense is just to start as clean as possible. I personally second Nightmarecreatures method. I would find ways to use less hydroton in the first place and then boil and strain to clean.