How to clear grinder and smoke it?


Active Member
My grinder is getting quite clogged up been using it for a while but is there anyway of getting the build up into a smoke able form? Like i could just scrap it off with a blade but wouldn't that mean potentially smoking a little plastic along with the weed? Thanks for any help just hate waste no matter how small


Well-Known Member
My grinder is getting quite clogged up been using it for a while but is there anyway of getting the build up into a smoke able form? Like i could just scrap it off with a blade but wouldn't that mean potentially smoking a little plastic along with the weed? Thanks for any help just hate waste no matter how small
Yeah it does mean youll smoke some plastic if your not careful and even if you are its hard to avoid, you should get a metal grinder man then you can do what you want. I think theres also another way to dissolve it and then evaporate the liquid to leave the resin but I've never done it so hopefully someone else can help you out with that cos it'd be the only way to 100% avoid getting plastic off with it.

james murphy

Well-Known Member
take a tbs. of 90% alc....pour it in and clean w q tip..pour out liquid onto borosilicate (glass) and let dry if front of fan...30 min later u will have extract..enjoy