How to Clone w/o Hormone gel?


Well-Known Member
Wassup y'all

I'm not going to be able to hit up a hydro shop until Monday and I need to switch the lights to 12/12 because the plant I'm growing is growing fast in a place where room is sparse. So I'm planning on cloning the tops to encourage more lateral growth as well as slow the growth down just for a second. With that being said, are there any other kind of nutes that I can use with the water for cloning cuttings?

I was planning on putting the clones in Peet Pellets that are soaking in water in a cup. I have Super Thrive, kelp (I've read you can use it, but I don't know if it works) and of course bloom and grow nutes, as well as Garrett Juice (molasses, humus, Apple cider vinegar, etc.)

Can you clone fan leaves? In pretty sure you can but just want to make sure. Thanks!


Check out my grow below, in the signature
no you cannot clone fan leaves. Research cloning techniques immeditely. You can put your plants into 12/12 and go ahead and take clones on Monday. but waiting to put plants into 12/12 monday would be ideal. Whats a few days right?

True true. I started to train it on Wednesday night, so hopefully the nodes have grown taller since then. If I wait until Monday, they'll definitely be ready to clone. Good idea
I've used aloe and B2 when I was out of rooting compound. But I have soft pear and apple persimmon cuttings in a cut off water bottle that I forgot to do anything to, and some of them are rooting, so you never know.

But like Corso said, a trip to a big box store and you don't have to risk it. And I would hold off on the feed until you get some good roots. The roots will stop growing if you supply everything they need. Make them search for it.