how to collect money

cary schellie

Active Member
so how much do you need to be owed for a sac before u have to go beat the guy up? i already have 2 battery charges and now i have some more outstanding balances, anyone have any creative way on collecting money without violence?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Is the price of a "sac" gonna make or break you? Does money define you? Either don't give the guy anymore credit or just cut him loose entirely. Then let it go.

Now if dude owed you for a few POUNDS.....
wait till they need another bag and have CASH to pay for it , play it all cool like "ya man no problem come pick up a sack" let them hand you money and then give them like 1 bowl in the sack as soon as theyre like wtf is this be like "owe shit i forgot you still owed me for that last bag but heres a free bowl because im such a nice guy"


Active Member
wait till they need another bag and have CASH to pay for it , play it all cool like "ya man no problem come pick up a sack" let them hand you money and then give them like 1 bowl in the sack as soon as theyre like wtf is this be like "owe shit i forgot you still owed me for that last bag but heres a free bowl because im such a nice guy"
lol thats a great idea


Active Member
so how much do you need to be owed for a sac before u have to go beat the guy up? i already have 2 battery charges and now i have some more outstanding balances, anyone have any creative way on collecting money without violence?
I'm not trying to come off as a dick at all...but I think it's only fair that you warn the guy that you won't give him another sack until he pays up, or at least let him know beforehand that you plan on making him kiss concrete. If he understands the repurcusions involved, he might pay up. I don't know the specifics, so unless you give more detail all I can say is let the dude know what might happen and you might see some money...that or you might never see him again.


Well-Known Member
1. Don't give credit.
2. If you have to give credit, for whatever reason, then you need some kind of reputation so people know to pay you.


Well-Known Member
I drive by their house and throw a bag of burning dogshit on their porch.
Doesn't help to get paid but I really get a laugh out of it!!


Well-Known Member
" number 6: that goddamn credit, forget it, you think that crack head paying you back shit forget it"


Active Member
Sue him in court for not paying you. You could also try suing him for emotional trauma that occurred while worrying if you were going to get paid. And of course for your lawyer fees.


Well-Known Member
Cut him off till he pays or put him to work, or borrow his woman for a weekend. I have found that some times the threat of violence is better than the act. Had a guy screwing around so I texted him it had to stop of I would send the credit department to see him, than 2 min later sent him another saying your address is still XXXXXXXX, then I sent another saying if it went to collections it was out of my hands. Well he called me and said he would go to the bank and get me 1/2 today and make arrangments to pay the rest back. Just saying you don't always need the bat.


You should get burned .what is it your weed junk you have to front it. hell he kissing your dog and drinking out of your coffee cup


Active Member
You should get burned .what is it your weed junk you have to front it. hell he kissing your dog and drinking out of your coffee cup
So why does fronting his weed make it junk? I've gotten really good shit on face value. Your point makes no sense, mainly because you don't know the situation. He might have known the guy for a long time. You don't know.


Active Member
if you need money badly enought to result to violence to get it, you should go be violent with someone who actually HAS money

meanwhile - fuck that cat - you bought and can sell him for "x" dollars

don't front friends - they will pay you last and play you first

if you DO beat the person down, don't let it be about money lol - let it be because HE'S A DICK


Well-Known Member
Is the price of a "sac" gonna make or break you? Does money define you? Either don't give the guy anymore credit or just cut him loose entirely. Then let it go.

Now if dude owed you for a few POUNDS.....
Few pounds ain't shit anymore when you look at attorney fees , not too mention freedom.


Due he done time 2 time shows that he not there so he want to go back to jail if you front your just dum