How to custom mix a 3 part nutrient?


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Let's say I like to use the 3 part nutrient from General hydroponic brand

........................... N-P-K
Micro Part 1,........5- 0- 1
Grow Part 2,........2-1-6
Bloom Part 3,...... 0-5-4

The ratio I like to get is (5-10-10) or (1-2-2)

Whats the proper way to get that ratio for this or any other custom made ratio? rather than just randomly adding them until it is close enough?!

Thank you


Well-Known Member
I made a spreadsheet to do that.

I just played with it and got the following:

Grow: 1.32ml/gal
Micro: 4.40ml/gal
Bloom: 10.45ml/gal

NPK ratio: 1-2.1-2.1
PPM: 818​

You listed the three bottles differently than I would. I thought Part-2 is "Micro" (even though you're supposed to add it to the water first). So, be careful that we're talking about the same bottles.

You can plug my volumes into the spreadsheet and tweak them further. Sometimes you can't get an exact ratio because the NPK ratio of the contributors just won't add up that way. I didn't try to get closer to 1-2-2. The above would be close enough for me. I chose strove for 800ppm because that's pretty close to how strong I mixed GH Flora 3-part when I used it in soilless. If you need stronger or weaker, you can change the volumes proportionally and see the PPM change (without the NPK ratio changing).


Active Member
Thank you az2000, this is exactly what I was looking for.
I listed the parts as micro, grow, bloom, because they use it in that order on their feeding schedule and I am used to that order, but as you said as long as we talk about the same thing!


Active Member
They are the same, in the first one micro is the first column and grow the second. but in the second schedules they switch the columns!


Well-Known Member
The GH 3-part label produces these NPK ratios and PPMs:

--------------- R A T I O S
---------------- N-P-K ---------- K-Mg-Ca ------- PPM
Seedlings -- 1.21-1.00-1.82 -- 5.48-1.00-2.67 --- 164
Mild veg --- 1.21-1.00-1.82 -- 5.48-1.00-2.67 --- 656
Aggr veg --- 2.07-1.00-2.98 -- 7.98-1.00-3.57 --- 1203
Transition - 1.21-1.00-1.82 -- 5.48-1.00-2.67 --- 1313
Flower ----- 1.00-1.28-1.59 -- 4.00-1.00-2.12 --- 1423

The PPMs are extremely high; a good example of why people always recommend starting at half the labeled strength.

I don't know about GH's downloadable schedules. I never took the time to enter all those products into the spreadsheet and see what the resulting NPK is.

When I used GH 3-part I followed the so-called "useless" schedule.[1] This is what it produces:

--------------- R A T I O S
-------- N-P-K ----------- K-Mg-Ca -------- PPM
week-1 1.32-1.00-2.41 -- 6.76-1.00-2.15 --- 418
week-2 1.85-1.00-3.06 -- 8.08-1.00-2.82 --- 721
week-3 2.06-1.00-3.31 -- 8.54-1.00-3.07 --- 830 [2]
week-1 1.00-1.29-1.88 -- 4.54-1.00-1.77 --- 1020
week-2 1.00-1.47-1.70 -- 3.75-1.00-1.90 --- 1065
week-3 1.00-1.52-1.71 -- 3.65-1.00-1.88 --- 1218
week-4 1.00-1.72-1.87 -- 3.53-1.00-1.66 --- 1334
week-5 1.00-2.21-2.25 -- 3.33-1.00-1.31 --- 1395 [3]
week-6 1.00-2.70-2.36 -- 2.91-1.00-1.23 --- 1421
week-7 1.00-3.16-2.72 -- 2.88-1.00-1.05 --- 1384

That's the results using the unmodified schedule. However, I added GH liquid Koolbloom (LKB) during flower, and powdered Koolbloom (PKB) the final week (prior to 10-20 days of water only). The following is how it turned out:

week-2 1.00-1.92-2.16 -- 4.75-1.00-1.90 -- 1275 [4]
week-3 1.00-2.12-2.31 -- 4.95-1.00-1.88 -- 1534 [5]
week-4 1.00-2.53-2.68 -- 5.07-1.00-1.66 -- 1755 [6]
week-5 1.00-4.09-3.34 -- 5.07-1.00-1.22 -- 1165 [7]

[1] Useless schedule:
[2] Repeat until bloom.
[3] Cut dose in half if using bloom booster.
[4] 2ml/gal LKB
[5] 3ml/gal LKB
[6] 4ml/gal LKB
[7] Cut base nutes in half, as described in the Useless schedule. Use 1.25g/gal PKB.



Well-Known Member
GH as 1-2-2 is LUCAS (not having to buy a grow bottle) . 2 parts bloom to 1 part micro. 8 ml/gal micro and 16ml/gal bloom. This gives plenty of Mg.