Look at your small plant, Does it have three sets of branches?
If so take one of the bottom ones, put that under 12/12 lighting so it will determin sex.
In the mean time grow your plant at 18/6 lighting.
In two or three weeks you will know if you have a male or a female by looking at the clone.
If female, you can take as many clones as you like at that time.
To take the first one, cut it off at the main stalk. look at the top of the cutting and go down past the first leaf stem cut it off under the second leaf stem at 45° angle, then cut off that last leaf at the stem. get that in water or planted right away so no air gets up in there. keep moist/damp not wet. Dont need much light, give it two weeks and you got roots, two weeks more and you will be able to tell sex.