I don't see another thread so I'll answer question. I've been making bubble for almost 20 years. First off never ever squeeze the hash while in bags to get rid of water. With that said I let the hash sit on top of a 25 micron screen on top of paper towels for an hour in fridge, this lets gravity push water out into paper towels. Then I put hash on a cold metal baking sheet and chop up as fine as possible, don't worry if it doesn't chop real fine because you will chop again later. Then I either let it sit in fridge for few hours and chop again or I put in freezer for few hours then back into fridge and chop again once it's soft. Then I let it sit overnight in freezer. Then let it sit in fridge the next day. After that it should be really fine like sand and ready to be brought into room temperature for final drying for a day or so. Should be good to go after that.