Wow. Very intresting video. I would love to try this out and that also gave me a lot of ideas. At what age does the main plant have to be before trying to graft?
Great video, when I get my grow back up and running I think im going to do this.

For those of you who don't understand why grafting can be beneficial, there are blank reasons:
Say you have one strain that is potent and has a high yield, but doesn't get the strongest roots or takes a long time to veg; and you have a plant that is very resilient and has a great root system but is lacking in potency. Why not combine the two with out spending ages breeding for the specific traits you want. Graft the high yielding plant onto the strong root system plant and BAM. You have strong roots that are very resilient and has high yield and potency.

Or say you live in a state where growing is "legal" and you would like to stay with in the limits that the state/county/city says you are allowed to grow. You graft the different strains together to create a mother plant so you can pull the different strains you want off, when you want to clone them with out having to keep around a bunch of seeds or extra mothers.
This would be a great way to save a pheno variation of a certain strain also, without keeping a separate mother plant.

Im wondering what is your average recovery time for a grafted branch. Is it faster than just cloning. Im just looking for a way to save pheno abnormality's. Kickn myself in the ass for a oddball last year that got harvested before I knew how good it really was. It was an obvious difference in looks part way thru flower, then the final product was mind blowing.
Grafting will be greeeat for keeping one Queen mother with several strains! Great idea and I am glad to have stumbled upon it. I will stay subscribed and post the results. Thanks!
Same here. This brings a whole new level to having a single mom plant. If in a DWC system you might be able to use 1 plant as a host to 15 to 20+ strains.

This is perfect for me...I mother indoors and transplant a few good clones each outside each year...this way I could keep one mother for years with multiple strains...this is going to save a boad of time!

Now I'm excited! A new experiment!!!!
Hello everyone, This is a video that I made of the techniques that I use in order to sucessfully graft marijuana from one strain to another.

This method has not failed me yet, hence why I am starting a tutorial thread.


Grafting is a very good method for those medical patients with a low plant count.. it would enable you to have an unlimited variety of strains, at the same time staying well within your limits.

I am working on writing the actual tutorial with pictures similar to my diy resin separator washing machie sticky.

I hope you all enjoy this tutorial.

Please share any tips or methods that you have sucessfully tried pertaining to grafting marijuana only.

Peace and Happy Growing !!

Excellent !!! - I've been looking for a tutorial on this for a while now :) I can't wait to try it on my next grow :) +REP! simply awesome info.. - STELTHY :leaf:
So i have been looking on this website for a few months in taking the knowledge of all you wonderful people and try to take that back to my own plant. well i was thinking the other day and have been thinking for some time but I'm not totally sure that grafting is what I'm looking for. What i was thinking was the same as your idea how can i get several strains and include all the ones i want while still staying in the legal limit. A friend and I were discussing the possibilities of taking several fully matured and individual plants and combine them all at the root system forming the colossal singular marijuana plant I was using the term "Pond Monster." So it has really had the gears turning in my head could we pull off such a monster and in the case that it is possible how would one go about such a project and what would be needed in order to do so? So, guys any thoughts?
(granted I have grafted, I am playing devils advocate)

All techniques in gardening can be useful in some way given your understanding of it and its applicability to what your doing when, etc. etc.

HOWEVER: When something is not a "new" technique discovered recently, and still remains uncommon, it raises question. Why might this technique not be a popular idea in cannabis cultivation even given the numbers limitations. Plant number limitations have been a consideration since the medical marijuana era and long before 1996...

I will let others speak first, however would like to point out a simple and obvious reason this lacks in applicability across the board. (each strain requires various nutrients essentially at different ratios and times etc. making no host plant perfect for hosting a multitude of varying strains)
what about the idea i was tlkn bout with making one big super plant with one central root system say we put together 20 matured plants with one central root system. Is this something anyone else has thought about because i could use a lil input and I am sure that there is someone else whose had the same idea.
and as far as there not being a good host since you can't really pick one that s best to hold them all how about if you used a strain with vigor and survivability such as Northern Lights maybe there is a chance that you could use a beginner strain such as the NL or any other hardy beginner strains. Who knows you are combing the two plants on a cellular level so maybe the qualities of those two plants clash and collide to give your grafted plant a perk or two more.
Way to go man! I have been lookin for a good step by step how to guide on how to do this exactly. I was also wondering if you have ever tried to graft a cutting into a crotch area of the main stalk where a shoot is coming out at. That way would seem to make a more symetrically appealing aesthetic. Then you could just have a main stalk with several stalks going off the main, each having a different strain........neat and in order. If you have attempted that I would really like to hear what you have to say about it. thanks +rep
Love this post. I am not in the proper state for this but I think it would be awesome if someone grew out a chemdawg 91 then grafted sourd and og kush plus some other chem's and have a frankenstein family tree in a tree type deal. The reason just to see subtle variations in the cross's all on one mother plant. Dispensaries should offer mixed plants for a two in one deal at least.
Any clone you take will be the same as the cutting / graft doner. grafting is not modifying any genetic attribute of the plant it is just making two plants use one root system. Yes two plants. this is best used to create a mother plant or a wider variety of product with a lower number of plants.
I was thinking of adding two grafts on the TWO main stems of a PLANT.. then after healing fully, prune thoes branches.. so it would be Literally 50/50 of a plant and not just a stem. im going to let it Grow for a longnnnn time.. then Clone it :)