How to Employ 100,000+ Americans and Rebuild Our Country


Active Member
The house is on fire and you are complaining about the grass being too high and that you want the lawn mowed.

I have said very little of what you posted. Yet agian, you put words in my mouth, which i have noticed is a common practice of yours with regards to most issues.
It's not 100 billion we give to the fed thats the problem. The problem is that we can not pay back the 15 trillion ever because we have to buy more money at interest to pay down the debt. Its not a conspiracy. There is no logical reason to allow a private group of individuals a complete and total monopoly on any countries currency creation. Be it the ECB, FED, IMF etc etc. The Fed was sold to us on the basis that it would eliminate the very "Bust" cycle we are going through right now. 15 years after the creation of the Fed, we got the Great Depression (the old one not the current one).

The analogy I use: The house is on fire and we are pouring gas on it.


Well-Known Member
The Constitution does not authorize the congress to assign a enumerated (one of the few) power to a private for profit corporation and then authorize that very same corporation to operate a monopoly.