How to end operation with partner?

how money turns people. man thats a whole barrel of worms. like many above said cut ties half the crop and ask for a little extra to cover the half of the grow equipment.

sounds like he's been takin the piss for a while, taking extra for no reason other than its at his place. joint operations are a bad idea for one very simple bust most broken rule.

you've already told 1 person you shouldn't have that your growing. it will bite you in the ass.

good luck
The worste possible thing that you can do is share a grow op if you have a falling out or anything goes wrong then?Trust no one not even the dog or cat.I would advice getting a small nice little cloneing room up and running now get alot of cfl's in there.Make sure it has plenty of height because you are at the beggining of the grow[flowering].Then say that you have had enougth for a while and you want to get your stuff out and store it till you are ready for when you want to grow again.But beware you will have to play this one realy safe and still remain good friends or who knows what he will do.I have been around along time and seen best of friends stab each other and family in the back.(SO BE CAREFUL.)While the plants are flowering you must have clones or mother plants around if you are doing things right.Take a tub with a lid on harf full of ph water 5.5 with superthrive in to the grow room pref when only you are there.Take at least 4 cutting of each plant and make sue that the plants are in the water.Don't do this till the clone/seedling room is up and running get them home get them into some cloneing gel leave them for about 20 seconds each.Then pop them into some rock wool cube's or peat pellets.Get them into a propagator you don't need a heat pad for under the clones.After 12/14 days the roots should be well on there way to stardom.This might sound abit exsteme but the money that you make of the flowering plants buy new lights if possible this will throw him off the scent.If you do this then you should be safe tell no one else about the grow no one.If he don't want the lights pack them away in boxes and say that you are gonna store in a friends loft space.Keep on the good side of him till you are 110% sure that he thinks that you no longer grow.Another one is tell him that you have someone who is gonna grow for you and take all the risk and pay the electric bills only thing you have to do is provide the lights and nutrients..
im telling you, kiss that equipment goodbye. its cost is menial in the big sceme of things. when i split from my partner i lost 4-1000w hps in cooled hoods, 4-4x4 e&f trays with the fixins, a 45 site aerocloner, $100's in nutes, and not to mention the money i put on the mortgage.

but i sleep more comfortably knowing that i gave him no reason to think im going to continue growing and thats priceless. i can buy new equipment till the cows come home....freedom is not for sale.
yeah if you want your own set up dont leave him with half the stuff, if he is a good friend i would let him keep it just get your share and say your out (say you cant afford to keep spending money) this way you get out and still have your friend.

My best friend grew with a mate they put 80 in each and he only got over an eighth and hasnt seen any other weed from it.

your a cheap date my friend. i wouldnt even dig the hole for $50.

and ive always said...people who have a hard time disposing of bodies just arent trying hard enough.

yeah im a cheap date... you dont even have to get cheese on my burger to make me happy... lol

but like i said.. i require 50.00 AND a hole... no fucking way am i digging a hole for just 50.00... hell.. both disposing and digging would cost at least... 53.75.. maybe even 54.00...
and very true... body disposal is quite easy.. find a pig farm... or a big set of woods full of wolves... or a wood chipper... chippers are messy tho...
wood chipper in a row boat. boat and chipper in middle of lake. sink rowboat.

i paint asphalt plants for a living. youd be amazed at what gravel pit equipment can accomplish on a sunday.
gravel pits are a good one too.... :clap:

i feel a bit sadistic right now.. although i am being completely serious.. about how to dispose of, not actually doing it for a 50...
It's his house. Therefore he took on the majority of the risk. Split the weed and he gets all the equipment. Not only is it the easiest way out with the least hard feelings...but if you think about's actually fair.
i beg to differ. Im not fit at all but my brother has a 6 pack and works out all the time. Hes like 5'10" and im 6'3" and all i have to do is push him to the ground and sit on him. He cant do anything about that.

pwnd ;) :lol:
I wouldn't tell him nothing & try to keep our deal in place.. Let him grow more and more on his own and get my 50 % of the share. At the same time, I would start my own grow, with out letting him know about it. When he realizes you are not there so much, you could make a new deal & go down on your cut% or he could just buy you out and he can keep the equipment..

This way, your still have a friend, get your share & your own grow:weed:

Heres the situation im in with my friend/grow op buddy... I want to get out and go on my own, however we have some plants that just started flowering and I dont want to have my share mysteriously vanish after I tell him. I want to part ways for too many reasons. We split the cost of the equipment and i know hes gonna try to keep everything b/c thats his way of thinking. What should I do to not get screwed & keep a friend? Any questions & or suggestions about the situation would be great.
do what i did, give him a bit more then tell him that your going to run your own grow next time. you want to see what you can do on your own..
for $50.00 and a hole, i have your answer... :fire::fire::fire:
nice but i think I am gonna try to keep violence to a minnimum just cause... well its obvious, i dont feal like going to jail....:hump: I really appreaciate all the advice and comments, never thought bought getting genetics froms him....
I have made up my mind on what to say and how to handle it. I am gonna wait till harvest is done and let him know I don't want to go on with the grow. I will let him know he can have the equipment but he needs to buy my share out or compensate me for my past profits. I am also gonna let him know the high horse he thinks he's riding on has a long fall on the way down. One thing that can be taken away from this is on how fast money changes people. If you people only knew this kid.... I am looking back and wondering why I was even good friends with him?!?! However lesson learned and new chapter starting...bongsmilie
dam all you guys are so stealth about this. in my case bout 6 people know im growing. guess i fucked up huh lol. they are like my bestfriend and my worker.
I wouldn't tell him nothing & try to keep our deal in place.. Let him grow more and more on his own and get my 50 % of the share. At the same time, I would start my own grow, with out letting him know about it. When he realizes you are not there so much, you could make a new deal & go down on your cut% or he could just buy you out and he can keep the equipment..

This way, your still have a friend, get your share & your own grow:weed:


problem with this is he tryin to cut it with the dude not continue with him. he's uncomforable with workin with his partner period. that means it's time to bail out.
dam all you guys are so stealth about this. in my case bout 6 people know im growing. guess i fucked up huh lol. they are like my bestfriend and my worker.

You want to get away with a crime?...the less people that know the easier that is to do.

The people that get caught 90% of the time told someone supposedly trustworthy...who told someone absolutely untrustworthy.
Information warfare: Wait til harvest and subsequent 50/50 split allow time for him to "talk" and sell his share and u sell ur share......since you have open access to the grow op. make equipment "disappear" ....fairly sure he wont call police if the things taken were for an illegal grow.....sell the current grow equip. on craigslist or to people only you know.....use money to start ur own op.....when u speak with him tell him u feel bad about his home being violated for something that u went half on and pay him a portion of what u feel equipment was worth but let him know that since someone knows and broke in his house u no longer want to grow with him and u are taking a break and will eventually resume growing with him....slowly begin to distance urself from him and even start a ridiculous argument with him just to sever u have new equipment he got the money for old equip. and his 50/50 share of grow doesnt suspect u and u have efectively paid him back for him stealing previous grow.......if u want to come out ahead or even fair make ur own destiny never let someone else choose whats "fair"for u they will almost always set themselves up for success while u stuck looking stupid
You want to get away with a crime?...the less people that know the easier that is to do.

The people that get caught 90% of the time told someone supposedly trustworthy...who told someone absolutely untrustworthy.
yeah . i just started now. before this i was sellin by oz. or half oz. now im going for the big thing. it was hard to keep that such a secret but right now its totally stealth . been changing stories and saying my plant failed. which it seem like its going to.