How to fertilize and what size of pot i should use?


Hey guys
I have some outdoor plant in coco pots and it's mi first experience for growing cannabis in coco.i dont know how i should frtilize them.i wanna know what size of pot i should use and can i use frtilizer every day?


Well-Known Member
I've never grown in Coco but about watering everyday, i would just water every time you need to water if it's the plants . Would also add nutrients watering every time because Coco is an inert medium. Again, I've never grown in Coco so just wait for more knowledgeable people.


Well-Known Member
Dig holes put in ground, the whole point of outdoor is nature is your fertilizer. Cocos a good medium but requires daily sometimes multiple times daily watering. Dig a hole, throw in some compost, manure and maybe some dry organic amendments, water as needed and let nature do its thing.


Well-Known Member
A few inches top layer of worm castings over the cococoir and mulch over 5 gallon minimum container...then rain will do it...if not much rain water, then ph ur gallon of water with Canna Terra Vega by itself is a good fert every 2 weeks.


I've never grown in Coco but about watering everyday, i would just water every time you need to water if it's the plants . Would also add nutrients watering every time because Coco is an inert medium. Again, I've never grown in Coco so just wait for more knowledgeable people.
I wanna change my pot a few days it
I've never grown in Coco but about watering everyday, i would just water every time you need to water if it's the plants . Would also add nutrients watering every time because Coco is an inert medium. Again, I've never grown in Coco so just wait for more knowledgeable people.
Thank u bro
I wanna change my pot a few days later.if i mix coco with peat moss better than coco؟


Dig holes put in ground, the whole point of outdoor is nature is your fertilizer. Cocos a good medium but requires daily sometimes multiple times daily watering. Dig a hole, throw in some compost, manure and maybe some dry organic amendments, water as needed and let nature do its thing.
Thank u bro
I just want to know which one make bigger plant.coco or mixing of coco and peat moss?which one is better?because i never grown cannabis in coco or mixing of coco and peat moss
I have planted only with soil i dont know exactly which one is better

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Can i use a small gallon with much fertilizer?
1 gallon pot outdoors? I suppose it can be done, but I wouldn't.
In my opinion, plants outdoors will be bigger than indoor plants, so a larger pot should be used
You will have to water every day, if not more often.
Wind will blow the plants over, etc...