How to get 1 pound from a 600W HPS DWC System?


Well-Known Member
assuming i got perfect temps all along, a decent strain, I'm thinking of growing either:

- Nirvana: White widow
- Nirvana: Northern Light
- Dinafem: Critical +
- Dinafem: Blue Widow
- Dinafem: White Widow
- Green House Seeds: Super Lemon Haze
- Dutch Passion: Blueberry
- Big Buddha Seeds: Big Buddha Cheese
- Barney's Farm: Liberty Haze
- Barney's Farm: L.S.D.

I want 4 plants grown in a DWC system.

what are my chances of getting about a pound of grade A+ ganja?

is there any nutes/supplements anyone would suggest to increase yield that work good on DWC?

thanks so much in advance people!
IMHO, all things being equal, what you should expect is:

.25g/w is good for a beginner.
.5g/w for someone who has done this for a year or two.
.75g/w+ I would consider expert.

If you have limited experience and this is your first DWC, the ultimate outcome is in serious question, that is unless you are lucky enough to have an expert there to guide you the whole way.
I don't know why folk who grow cannabis think you need tons of wattage you can get led grow panels that are only 25 watts from the green house catalog that grow any plant under there 5 ft spread, my grandma grows tons of vegetables and fruit using these lights in the winter months I think stoners have been deceived by hightimes into believing you need way more watts than it actually takes.


New Member
that was not helpful at all lol, this will be my 2nd grow and I'm REALLY meticulous..

can you give me a reason as to why my chances are slim to none?
I already did. New growers (including me) generally lack the experience to pull off top yields. For example you know almost nothing about training, and all the reading in the world only helps so much... it's one of those things you have to actually do. I also helped you by recommending a strain, but you insist on being a fuck boy to anyone that doesn't tell you what you want to hear so go choke on a cock sandwhich and good luck with your pound.


Active Member
experience really counts in this hobby. More than any other I can think of.
You should familiarize yourself with various training methods that would be crucial of you reaching your goal.

Flowamasta gets an elbow from each grow. One plant. 600w. Check out his grows in the journals. He also has a mentor with experience, and pulls off wicked yields right out of the gate. Study the masters while gaining valuable experience.


Well-Known Member
the guy at my hydro store is helping me build the same setup he has for himself:

its a system of 4 5Gallon buckets with 6 inch net pots connected through an 80 watt air pump.
It sounds like the guy at your hydro store has the answers to your questions then.


My first time indoor grow was a about .557 grams per watt. Almost 6 ozs off of one plant using a 250 watt setup. Using the same setup, the great white shark I just finished yielded a little bit more. However, even if I grow it the same way everytime, it doesn't mean I'll be hitting those numbers everytime.

Great white shark makes some weight but I wasn't impressed with the smoke. It was good, but not CC winning stuff IMO.
I know I dont have shit for posts or pictures, other than over at Grasscity when I was first testing the waters of hydroponics...however, my advice is worthy, if you care to listen.
I wouldnt recommend you adding anymore plants into your mix, infact, 4 would be max if you want a pound from a 600w light. Thats 150 watts per plant, which with a 4 week veg, using SCRoG, giving it a 9 week flower time should get you somewhere in that ballpark. I suggest you test your grounds with 4 plants, see which is the highest producers, and cut yourself back to 2 buckets and 2 plants, giving it 300 watts per plant.

Assuming you have 8 foot ceilings, grab a 10'x10' of panda film and atleast a 25' roll of mylar, with a tarp zipper, tape the mylar to the inside of the panda film.
Get two 10' 3/4" pvc pieces, some 3/4" L's and T's, two 4'x1' pine boards, and a roll of string. Build yourself a 3'x3'x4' pvc frame, with a SCRoG screen at the top made from the string, and the pine boards at the base. Lay mylar over the pine boards and tape down. Roll mylar down the wall you plan on having your system against, and line your system up perfectly with the mylar. Now, grab the panda/mylar section, and you and a trustworthy friend bend the panda/mylar around the system, tacking/taping it to the ceiling and the wall around the system with the mylar on it. Now you have a makeshift grow closet. You can cut a hole in it and run AC duct into it if you so please. I attach clip fans to the frame.

Now the buckets, get three 5 gallon buckets, 2 bucket lids, four 6 inch airstones, three small water pumps, and all appropriate sized tubing for pumps, and two L bends for the water pumps. Cut out your netcup hole in the lids, cut a hole for the water pump plug and the air hoses, cut a hole for the water draining and one for the water filling in the lid (should be same size as water pump tubing). Place your water pump and airstones in two of the buckets, put the lid on and run your tubing to both water pump and airstones. Place L bends on the tubing sticking out of the buckets (your water draining). Place clones in both buckets, use the 3rd bucket and water pump for filling and draining. 3 weeks under SCRoG for veg, then 9 weeks to flower, should give you a pound.

Atleast it does for me.


New Member
First off, a QP per plant should be a minimum goal. So 1 ib should not be difficult if you are meticulous and studied up.

My first grow I averaged 5 ozs a plant, and two of those four just happened to be Liberty Haze and LSD.

As for watts I really doubt you'll be able to get a QP a plant with only 600, you need 2-600s in an area of about 4x7, or a 600 per two plants. With DWC maybe you'll do ok but without more watts you will not get a lb.

Chances of getting grade A+ product are good with any of those strains and some knowledge, but again I must go back to watts, lumens, whatever you measure your lights at, you need more period.

I'm in FFOF soil using FFOF line with molasses, humic acid, and other adds so I can't comment on DWC.

Super Lemon Haze is a fav around here.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I think you can do it... I have seen a pound pulled from a single plant under a 600w when grown properly a few times (on here) and other places... Not typical, but definitely not impossible.


Well-Known Member
One pound from a 600 is very easy to do. Not so easy for a beginner though. It takes some trimming, training, supercropping and an understanding of how to feed plants. There are easier ways to do it than DWC buckets, though.

what are my chances of getting about a pound of grade A+ ganja?
Grade A+ on your second grow? That's only possible if an experienced grower is holding your hand for 3 straight months.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why folk who grow cannabis think you need tons of wattage you can get led grow panels that are only 25 watts from the green house catalog that grow any plant under there 5 ft spread, my grandma grows tons of vegetables and fruit using these lights in the winter months I think stoners have been deceived by hightimes into believing you need way more watts than it actually takes.

Obviously youve never grown herb. Sure a cannabis plant will grow under some shitty 25 watt LED. It wont grow much bud though. Dont you think that the thousands of us on this site alone who grow weed would love lower energy bills and less heat to deal with?


Active Member
I know I dont have shit for posts or pictures, other than over at Grasscity when I was first testing the waters of hydroponics...however, my advice is worthy, if you care to listen.
I wouldnt recommend you adding anymore plants into your mix, infact, 4 would be max if you want a pound from a 600w light. Thats 150 watts per plant, which with a 4 week veg, using SCRoG, giving it a 9 week flower time should get you somewhere in that ballpark. I suggest you test your grounds with 4 plants, see which is the highest producers, and cut yourself back to 2 buckets and 2 plants, giving it 300 watts per plant.

Assuming you have 8 foot ceilings, grab a 10'x10' of panda film and atleast a 25' roll of mylar, with a tarp zipper, tape the mylar to the inside of the panda film.
Get two 10' 3/4" pvc pieces, some 3/4" L's and T's, two 4'x1' pine boards, and a roll of string. Build yourself a 3'x3'x4' pvc frame, with a SCRoG screen at the top made from the string, and the pine boards at the base. Lay mylar over the pine boards and tape down. Roll mylar down the wall you plan on having your system against, and line your system up perfectly with the mylar. Now, grab the panda/mylar section, and you and a trustworthy friend bend the panda/mylar around the system, tacking/taping it to the ceiling and the wall around the system with the mylar on it. Now you have a makeshift grow closet. You can cut a hole in it and run AC duct into it if you so please. I attach clip fans to the frame.

Now the buckets, get three 5 gallon buckets, 2 bucket lids, four 6 inch airstones, three small water pumps, and all appropriate sized tubing for pumps, and two L bends for the water pumps. Cut out your netcup hole in the lids, cut a hole for the water pump plug and the air hoses, cut a hole for the water draining and one for the water filling in the lid (should be same size as water pump tubing). Place your water pump and airstones in two of the buckets, put the lid on and run your tubing to both water pump and airstones. Place L bends on the tubing sticking out of the buckets (your water draining). Place clones in both buckets, use the 3rd bucket and water pump for filling and draining. 3 weeks under SCRoG for veg, then 9 weeks to flower, should give you a pound.

Atleast it does for me.
dude awesome advice!

i have since added a 400W so is 1000W HPS total, and also MH bulbs for veg... so maybe that be better for 4 units?


Active Member
First off, a QP per plant should be a minimum goal. So 1 ib should not be difficult if you are meticulous and studied up.

My first grow I averaged 5 ozs a plant, and two of those four just happened to be Liberty Haze and LSD.

As for watts I really doubt you'll be able to get a QP a plant with only 600, you need 2-600s in an area of about 4x7, or a 600 per two plants. With DWC maybe you'll do ok but without more watts you will not get a lb.

Chances of getting grade A+ product are good with any of those strains and some knowledge, but again I must go back to watts, lumens, whatever you measure your lights at, you need more period.

I'm in FFOF soil using FFOF line with molasses, humic acid, and other adds so I can't comment on DWC.

Super Lemon Haze is a fav around here.

Good luck.

thanks for the help man!

i am at 1000W now so that should be better, i also downsized the main flowering area to 3.5ft X 4ft so with the 1000W ill be getting about 75 Watts per square foot. so i think thats a pretty good number and enough light. do you think so? im excited about this hydro setup!


Active Member
One pound from a 600 is very easy to do. Not so easy for a beginner though. It takes some trimming, training, supercropping and an understanding of how to feed plants. There are easier ways to do it than DWC buckets, though.

Grade A+ on your second grow? That's only possible if an experienced grower is holding your hand for 3 straight months.
Whats easier than DWC?

lol maybe not Grade A+ but moore like grade A.... at least better that the medicine ive tried!

btw SANTORINI is the GREATEST fucking place in the entire earth.... i could just picture me back there by the beach and grow some fine Cannabis under the aegean sun!

ahhh the good memories :)

perdrick l. hapley

Active Member
View attachment 2352242tricsblueberry2.jpgtricsblueberry.jpg<---my second grow. it's in soil and only under a 150 w hps (with a couple little cfls too) and a bagseed. it's looking like it'll be at least 7 oz total dry based on what my first grow yeilded in the same setup. with your hydro setup and far superior lighting and a scrog i have no doubt that with a little patience and reading you can meet your goal.



Well-Known Member
1.3 + gpw is definitely atypical. Everyone should shoot for the stars, but telling someone they can expect results like that right off the bat just gives them unreal expectations. Do you have a journal for your grow? Id love to se 7+ oz off 150 watts.

View attachment 2352242View attachment 2352243View attachment 2352244<---my second grow. it's in soil and only under a 150 w hps (with a couple little cfls too) and a bagseed. it's looking like it'll be at least 7 oz total dry based on what my first grow yeilded in the same setup. with your hydro setup and far superior lighting and a scrog i have no doubt that with a little patience and reading you can meet your goal.

View attachment 2352246