How to get a GF in 2017

I think the problem is women are extremely shallow....that not saying there aren't shallow guys I just think women are a lot more shallow, another problem is because if the shallowness it isn't enough for a girls to be into a guy theyr friends have to approve to which is rarely the case with men if a guys friend doesn't think his girl is hot they don't care shit I almost prefer my friends to think my chicks ugly that way I know theyr not trying to bang her behind my back
Find a girl with a "great personality". Your buddies will leave her alone lol.
Find a girl with a "great personality". Your buddies will leave her alone lol.
lol everyone says they aren't into looks which is bollocks m8.

I guarantee being funny and having a great personality has gotten very few people laid. I think it is more a tippin the scale type of thing.

lel at guys not being shallow. society in general is pure fuckery. I can get down with anyone but I have an aversion to certain types of girls and normally they aren't too outta shape if at all, funny because I am not that stellar looking,

I was down with this thick jamaican chick during september, I was attracted to her for that dancing. dancing is vurry important in my life
I get laid.

"But you're a chick yadda yadda." True. But just because I have tits and a few holes, doesn't automatically mean I'm getting the booty.

I'm not hot by any means, I'm cute at best. My personality gets me laid. This is 100% accurate.

personality is a huge influence, but physical attraction is the basis to usually getting laid and most people don't want to admit it. in the long run is when personality and other such qualities come into play, that's my take on it atleast.

I can't be around certain people for very long male or female unless I find them to actually be somewhat intelligent. me saying this is as hypocrital as what upsets me tbh.

an example: I have a girl referred to as cat lady and tbh she is hot by my standards, but her personality now has me look at her and she can barely even turn me on. I was attracted by her looks and love of cats that is unparralled. I'd never date her again if it was my only option.

and ya the being a chick gives you the final say in getting laid, kinda how it works out but it is true. most guys give up to any one who would ask. there will always be discrepancies and I am speaking from quite a bias pov true.

I am a bit awkward though and usually people approach me. I have a very aloof, silent attitude and am very personable irl. guys and girls usually enjoy my company but I am a bit self centered thinking that, I have been told it is true. \\

confusing and deep subject matter if I am to be honest.
I get laid.

"But you're a chick yadda yadda." True. But just because I have tits and a few holes, doesn't automatically mean I'm getting the booty.

I'm not hot by any means, I'm cute at best. My personality gets me laid. This is 100% accurate.


I like your moxie. You bring fresh air to our forum.
Thank you for participating.
I get laid.

"But you're a chick yadda yadda." True. But just because I have tits and a few holes, doesn't automatically mean I'm getting the booty.

I'm not hot by any means, I'm cute at best. My personality gets me laid. This is 100% accurate.
comparing dudes with women is totally, totally different.
now don't get me wrong, i'm sure you have fine tits and holes
BUT having aforementioned tits and holes is basicly going to guarantee you a dick for the evening, and possibly the steady future.
NOW, take a equally attractive guy, and that may not be true

A cute girl with a good personality is going to get laid much easier than a comparable guy, it's just the way the world works.
go look at any dating site or singles setting and you'll see what I mean, sheerly on the lopsided numbers alone will guarantee you a dick for the evening.

Now of course i'm not downplaying your personality, just the fact that you are still around us toke n talk folk is a testament to your fortitude and character
comparing dudes with women is totally, totally different.
now don't get me wrong, i'm sure you have fine tits and holes
BUT having aforementioned tits and holes is basicly going to guarantee you a dick for the evening, and possibly the steady future.
NOW, take a equally attractive guy, and that may not be true

A cute girl with a good personality is going to get laid much easier than a comparable guy, it's just the way the world works.
go look at any dating site or singles setting and you'll see what I mean, sheerly on the lopsided numbers alone will guarantee you a dick for the evening.

Now of course i'm not downplaying your personality, just the fact that you are still around us toke n talk folk is a testament to your fortitude and character
LoL pretty much what I said. The woman is usually thw controlling factor, and looks play heavily in first interactions more then anyone wants to admit.

I actually had a similar conversation just recently. Personality comes into the picture later on.

Lets say you enter the bar are you going to talk to the guy who is overweight, missing his front teeth and slightly balding or the guy with nice white straigjt teeth, and an athletic build and a full head of hair?

Edit :I cut that short before my post became a novel.

I realized I deleted 3 paragraphs from that and only just noticed. Thinking too fast

Ill retype it tomorrow of I remember
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attitude is key.. u ever see an ugly fuck with a hot girl?

Its because he has personality .. its not 10 foot cocks although that doesnt hurt.

Im 31 and ive learned after a failed mariage n gf's that girls want a man with personality who can keep them entertained.

Do that and youll be pluggin buttholes with cock in no time

Im a decent lookin guy and i fuck girls outa my league because i make them laugh and get them moist in their nether regions.

Umb I have to disagree ...sorry but it's totally because of a 10ft cock .

That's all
Umb I have to disagree ...sorry but it's totally because of a 10ft cock .

That's all
be a boring guy who is clingy and see if your 10 foot cock keeps you in a relationship or to keep fucking the same girl.. it wont happen. one of my friends is a sterotypical "nerd".. He cant get a gf for the life of him. I walked in on him years ago having sex and saw his hard dick by accident. dudes dick literally had to be atleast 1 foot long. he never gets laid of has a gf. why.... he has 0 personallity.

hell I dont have much personality .. but.. when I wanna get laid I turn on that funny guy charm and it usually works. I don;t think im the shit or anything just telling you what 17 years of trying/getting pussy I've seen in the game.
be a boring guy who is clingy and see if your 10 foot cock keeps you in a relationship or to keep fucking the same girl.. it wont happen. one of my friends is a sterotypical "nerd".. He cant get a gf for the life of him. I walked in on him years ago having sex and saw his hard dick by accident. dudes dick literally had to be atleast 1 foot long. he never gets laid of has a gf. why.... he has 0 personallity.

hell I dont have much personality .. but.. when I wanna get laid I turn on that funny guy charm and it usually works. I don;t think im the shit or anything just telling you what 17 years of trying/getting pussy I've seen in the game.

Tell your buddy to drop his pants and do propeller man more often me .........and the part where you saw your friends wiener was kinda weird .....but besides that I have no regrets for all the pussy I've hammered in my day ....believe it or not it gets old with the drama of girls wanting to love you forever after one good drunken thunder fuck I just picked my very favorite and I wouldn't trade her for the world even after being married for years and having a family with her .......good luck and I'm stickin with a super fat 10ft cock is where it's at .....were all entitled to our opinions and that's mine ......BIG COCK ftw homie .....except busting condoms like wet paper towels ....that part sucks .......
I have no job, Im overweight missing more then73% of my teeth and lose hair at a faster rate then a cat in the summertime but I can really nail a joke and I have awonderful personality.

Does no one see the flaw here or am I just a pessimistic asshole?
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you're crazy. I'd rather just get my dick damp. I hate the relationship drama. you get off work after working a 12 hour double and your girl's in a horrible mood. you walk in the door and she starts bitchin. noooo thank ya. I'm good on it
Yes, I'm crazy; I've seen 'normal' and I'm not interested!
I think the problem is women are extremely shallow....that not saying there aren't shallow guys I just think women are a lot more shallow, another problem is because if the shallowness it isn't enough for a girls to be into a guy theyr friends have to approve to which is rarely the case with men if a guys friend doesn't think his girl is hot they don't care shit I almost prefer my friends to think my chicks ugly that way I know theyr not trying to bang her behind my back
Lmao and you're calling girls shallow?
Lmao and you're calling girls shallow?
I never said I wasn't shallow, sure Id like a girl with a good personality but she HAS to be a shallow guy who's ugly and has a shitty personality perfect combination to end up alone...but it is what it is I'm not gonna cry about it, the girls I have been with were smokin tho so there's always that
I never said I wasn't shallow, sure Id like a girl with a good personality but she HAS to be a shallow guy who's ugly and has a shitty personality perfect combination to end up alone...but it is what it is I'm not gonna cry about it, the girls I have been with were smokin tho so there's always that


Make sure they don't have cuter glasses then you :p **just playing dontget mad**